ESTC offers security for free

ESTC offers security for Elasticsearch for free.…

I’m thinking a move to differentiate their product from the competition, even more.



And Elastic Cloud for Kubernetes.…


I suspect that every database offers security for the database as a part of the core offering. Some, like PRGS, even offer performant complete encryption of some or all of the data in the database as a modest add-on.

The issue in most cases is that security has not been applied to getting to the database in the first place. In the worst, and yet all too common case, back doors exist that allow a person to get shell access to the database … at which point they can, at the least, copy it back to their own machine and work on cracking it at their leisure. Or, they are open to SQL injection which allows more or less everything to be queried from outside. None of that has to do with the security of the DB itself.