I have been subscribing to Motley Fool services for around 15 years. The first was Stock Advisor, which was affordable ($200 a year), and over time has given me some great buys. I’m still with them.
Around 10 - 12 years ago, I subscribed to the initial offering of the Million Dollar Portfolio for $2000 a year. After a year, their performance was around 60% / 40% winners to losers, so I canceled my subscription.
In March of 2021, I subscribed to the Everlasting: 10X service (initially named Discovery: 10X), currently priced at $2000 a year. I was in it for 6 months.
The premise was that they offered some 40 stocks to buy, offered up in groups over several weeks. We were instructed to buy all 40 stocks, as the profits may come from just a few. That seemed odd, and I couldn’t buy all 40, so I bought a dozen stocks from the portfolio based on other research I did.
Bottom line, this portfolio has performed horribly, with one winner among my dozen. My 10X portfolio is down roughly 35% as of the end of January 2022.
The Fool’s hedge is that you need to hold stocks for 5 years - and I’m typically a buy and hold guy - but this is bad. Of the 22 Everlasting 10X stocks I didn’t buy, 7 are winners. Anyone else want to share their experience?