Everything is fine - we are all fine...how are you?

Curious how reality seems to have other ideas:



I will just continue to ignore those food bank lines. Obviously it is all just paid staged actors to create a false narrative around the economy and impacts to budgets and savings from years of compounded high inflation.

How dare they!
Don’t they know more peeps are flying now than ever!

Everything is fine. Just fine.

How Dare You - GIPHY Clips


is this a right wing mouthpiece…SF Gate?


Probably just made up nonsense. CA economy is booming and unemployment low…all is well!


California unemployment just crested at 5.2%. The horror!

As for its economy, it’s in the 3rd tier (of 5). Equivalent to most East Coast states, well above any in the Midwest, behind some of the oil patch and tourism South.

Doesn’t really look like the end of civilization to me.

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Like I said, those folks at SFGate probably just making stuff up.
Everything is fine.

Biden is fine.
All good.


Imagine if they weren’t constantly borrowing money to keep spending high…huh?

I guess it is a good thing we continue to borrow money every year instead of balancing the budget.

Cause where else would the job openings come from, if not the government?

I am sure it will be fine.
CA is great. SanFran is doing incredibly well with their homeless strategy.
Nothing to see here.


Employment added 206,000 versus 200,000 forecast. Wonderful! Oh, but May employment adjusted to 218,000 from 272,000. Shhhh!. Imagine my shock, another downward revision.



Though June job creation topped expectations, it was due in large part to a 70,000 surge in government jobs.


We borrowed more money, so we could spend more, artificially boosting the economy. We don’t care about future generations or your social security. Our hamptons property is awesome and the future is not my problem.



The unemployment rate has ticked up to 4.1%, going over 4% for the first time since November 2021.

  • 74% of jobs added last month came from government and healthcare education.

  • May jobs were revised down from 272K to 218K.

  • April jobs were revised down from 165K to 108K.

  • Black and Asian unemployment rates increased.

  • Full time employment in June actually decreased by 28,000 workers.

  • Part time employment went up by 50,000 workers.

  • In just over a year, the unemployment rate has increased from 3.4% to 4.1%.

I am sure it will all be fine.
“California fine”.



This July 4, for example, customers paid an average of $71.22 for a cookout for 10 people, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. That’s up 5% from last year and 30% from 2019.

CNBC is probably a far-right institution spreading lies. Everyone should know that inflation is practically gone and people are making more money than ever before, so it’s all good!

Will be fine.

At least the wealthier peeps are still doing ok.

Oh come on! CNN must also be a far-right shill. The nerve of these “journalists” to pump fake news about our vibrant economy…how dare they!

IBWT - In Biden We Trust


Wow, been a while, many months since looking at this thread. So what’s gone on since April.
More of the same. Economy chugging along. Travel up to record highs. I just got back from Spain, it was too crowded. My restaurants are all having record weeks, which aligns with people are traveling and spending. Markets at ATHs. Oh and my portfolio keeps hitting ATHs, including today. Not bad for a world coming to an end.

This board is always a good read about every 6 months.


“well-to-do owner of multiple businesses finds current economy fantastic!”

  • as reported by Out of Touch Elite News


ps…probably indicates a top.

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Oh Dreamer, you should get out of your own way. Success is built on optimism. You have always seemed to have none. Investing is about finding opportunities, not sitting in the have nots camp, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

How’s the economy? Incredibly resilient. How’s the economy for the bottom 40% in this country? As always, it sucks, and has probably sucked for 30 plus years, and news flash, will continue to suck. If your focus is only on finding whats wrong, yea there is certainly daily info to dig up on that. If you are looking for investments, or God forbid, to make money investing, you might want to jump on a more upbeat train.

Here’s an example for you and this pessimistic board. Over 90% of homeowners in this country either have no mortgage, or have a mortgage rate under 4%. First time ever we have hit that number. Oh and interest rates are about to start coming down.

Or you can just dig up more doom and gloom, there’s always plenty of that being shoveled down our throats.


I guess I am just making all this up.
I secretly run all the major newspapers and websites across the country and the world!


This is literally a google search that takes 2 min.

But, hey, as long as you’re doing ok, it is perfectly fine to jedi wave away the signs you don’t agree with.

It will be fine. Just fine. Just ask ol’ TryingMyBest, if you don’t believe me!



Let’s be honestly, bad news is far more interesting (and profitable) than good news.

“Recession indicator is Flashing Yellow” is great line to get someone to click on that story and to sell advertisements. If the opinion article was instead titled, “Everything looks great [right] now” as the next line states, no one would read it.

Flashing Yellow is Yellow Journalism - which is why it is found on the opinion page of WaPo.


of course they print bad news more…I get that.

Sahm rule is a math formula.

Math is neither good news or bad news…math is math.

I give up. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
401k is doing great. Probably will go up another 100% next year.

No way 2022 lows are revisited. Literally an impossibility. Let’s speak no more of this!

Positivity shall rule!


Sorry to hear that your cookout for 10 people is costing 5% more this year. You can go to McDonald’s for a $5 happy meal, though. And Costco has kept its hot dogs priced at $1.50 for you. Also, if you dowload the Dunkin Donuts app, you can order an egg and cheese sandwich for $4.50 and get a medium drink for free for 14 days.

BTW, all the restaurants around me were packed with people splurging and having fun over the long July 4 weekend. I guess they a) would rather enjoy life than read or watch the news all day and/or b) figured out how to ask their boss for a wage increase last year.


Yea Dreamer wants to sit in the “everything sucks” camp. Been in that camp for a very long time. How that serves anyone but negatively. You need to change your mindset for your own health and most likely the people around you. Otherwise you’re just stuck in a place that serves no one.

Try meditating, or reading a book about being in the moment, instead of attacking anyone that’s done well in their lives. Or stay on your board here and share how the world sucks, and bash anyone that thinks it doesn’t. I’ll come back in 6 months and see how you’re doing. :woozy_face:


TryingMyBest must not have read the exciting new Positive thread!

Then he would understand my concern is not for myself or my own personal situation. I actually am concerned about those less fortunate and my kids’ generation.

But narcissists generally have a tough time either putting themselves in the shoes of others, nor do they rarely care to do so even if they could.

Yes - please let’s check back in 6 months.
