Everything is fine - we are all fine...how are you?

From a guy that actually hopes the economy tanks to be right, which will have a 100 times more negative effect on the people he pretends to champion.


This reminds me of a lot of responses on this thread.


A consistent paycheck, homeownership, and stock holdings are perhaps the holy trinity of wealth creation for many Americans, but not everyone is well positioned to benefit from all three in the years ahead. It’s among the reasons, despite falling inflation, many Americans aren’t happy with the economy. The longer some people are boxed out of these paths to wealth creation, the more difficult it could be for them to pay the bills, become financially secure, and retire as early as they desire.


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It seems like this is on point. Just make sense.


Cisco beat on earnings and rev…yeah!
Things are so great, they decided to lay off some folks.

Also cutting out there; Grail, Tyson, Paramount, Stellantis, Intel (shocker), Docusign, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Snap, Salesforce, Bumble (who?), Pixar, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Blackrock, Walmart, Estee Lauder, Macys, Levis, Hersheys, Wayfair, Nike, USPS, and FedEx.

As long as those folks financed their mortgaged cheaply a few years back, were/are invested in stock market past 5-10 years, and turn on the ol’ Cobra healthcare option, they should be gold. Just keep a positive attitude. Glass half full! Keep spending money at over-priced restaurants!

Should be fine. Inflation, like, under 3%. That’s practically 0% really!


You should put your money under the mattress. Why even invest. Has to pull up stories about Cisco? Hahahahaha. Why don’t you tell that one about how in 2020 everyone was in CSCO and they still haven’t recovered their losses.

FYI I own 5 restaurants, not 1. I have over 350 employees, a few have been with us for 26 years. I started with one small place with no liquor license, and worked 70 plus hours a week to survive. Rags to riches story. One of those things you can do in this country.

Yet you would love me to say hey you are right. I shouldn’t be owning a profitable business. Not when so many have nothing. Let me have a big company meeting and let everyone know we are closing down, let everyone go. It’s not fare that 350 of you are making a living, while others suffer in this world. Let’s shut it all down.

Man, what world do you live in where making it is looked down upon. Got to change your name. It’s just too ironic. Dreamer way too positive.

Oh and how bout that resilient market. I’m back up 29% YTD, now a big chunk in TMF. Go bonds!!! Now over 24% above my ATH back in 2021.
Am I allowed to think positive here? What an awful thing to do, to grow wealth and talk about it on a financial websites community boards.



Amazing is right!
Every market uoswing you are up!
Every market downturn? You will have anticipated it and been max short, only to inform all that you bought the dips when it bounces…amazing!

I would like govt to stop wasteful spending, enact term limits for Senate, House, and SCOTUS. Lets have only legal immigration. Lets not be a country split between haves and have nots.

Some people think the status quo is just fine! Just adjust your attitude!

I think we need reform and change. But what do I know….im just a dreamer.



No your heads in the sand, thats the problem. Willing to moan and grown, but unwilling to do anything about it.

I’m from nothing, worked hard, struggled for decades, made it through very hard work. Now I’m enjoying it, and at the same time giving.

For instance, last year I donated through my restaurants to the Maui Strong Fund, then flew to Maui for Thanksgiving week with my wife to volunteer. Already booked this Thanksgiving week to go back. This time with my brother, and a friend here that’s also a Fire Captain here in LA County.

Or how about the small things done here on the boards. Years ago John Seargent and I raised money for a woman named Dottie on here that was a barista at a Starbucks in AZ. She hadn’t seen her grandkids in years, who had moved to Boston. We raised more than enough for her to fly there and spoil her grand kids.
Or that time on the Mongoose board when Champ and I helped raise 10k in less then a week for Saint Joes Children’s Hospital. Champ and I put up a big chunk, and everyone else on the board, and many others gladly joined in. All but one person that was on that board. One I remember very well had nothing to do with it. The guy that champions for the underprivileged, the down and out. You remember that Dreamer? You had your board then. We came on your board and asked regulars to join the cause. Everyone did but one. Not a penny.


This just in!

New internet definition of Sincerity: when you have to tell everyone how incredible and magnanimous you are.

Truly amazing.
Faster, stronger, smarter, kinder…a champion of the common man yet a financially saavy juggenaut. Built from the ground up off the mean and desolate streets of LA County.

TryingMyBest, no matter what name he goes by, is truly the best of us.


You’ve always been the angriest guy on the boards. Always a good place to come see what not to do when investing. A barometer of what probably not to do. Keep the good work up.

Hey how bout that market today. Don’t worry, it might be down tomorrow or even later today. You’ll be able to feel good again at some point when the markets correct. Or even better if they crash and burn.

Hey you should join us over on Jonah Luptons site. He has almost a minute to minute spreadsheet going daily. I’ve been following it all year. He says he’s up 200%YTD, so imagine how embarrassed I feel being only up now 29% when we own several of the same names. You’d have a field day over there telling people how stupid and selfish they are. Comon over!!!

There is a reason for a lack of TryingMyBest boards on the previous iteration of TMF or the current version.

You are compelled…literally compelled to troll.
You don’t create. You don’t start threads. You just sit there on your Hollywood hill with your slingshot and take aim when it suits you or when you need an ego boost.

Why don’t you go on Saul’s board. Oh. Yeah.

This is no longer “where angels dare to tread” it seems.

It has become where dbags emerge to troll.


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Dreamer I tried so many times with you in the past to bury the hatchet, but you had zero interest in doing so. You want to play the part of martyr. The world of anyone with success being your enemy.

What I learned as a pretty poor kid in NYC so many years ago was this. Actually shared with me by someone I looked up to for a brief moment, but I was always in search of mentors as a kid and then young adult. “Try to hang out with positive and successful people, it will rub off on you”.

Like in anything else, sports, music, art, hang out with people more knowledgeable then you is the key. Don’t hang out with people that blame the world, have negative energy, think it’s rigged against them.

I’m a lot older now and still will accept mentorship from anyone that has something to share. Hey I subscribe to Brad Freeman, and I have underwear probably older than him.

So you’re going to quit your own board again? What this like the 5th time?

I get it, you think the world is rigged and needs an overhaul. You don’t trust the markets, or anyone doing well and enjoying themselves. This is the energy that you have created on your own board. Like I said, sometimes it’s an interesting read, to balance out how the world is being viewed.
At some point you will be right again. I just choose not to live in fear of the next bad thing happening. No matter what, life moves forward. Best to try and enjoy it.


Citibeach, not sure why this is a hill you want to die on, or more likely just trying to get Dreamer to die on it? You can disagree without being so disagreeable.

Suggest a read for you -

Perhaps just start your own board and not have to dump all over this one. Good luck winning people to that board though.


This is just such a bad take, and really disingenuous. 5 people recommended it, i guess none of them paying much attention to Dreamer over the years.

Just a few examples -

TTD anyone? Dreamer brought it to the board when it was about $2-3 pre-split. I made so much money on TTD that I still own it as my biggest position after having sold off more than my original cost basis many years ago.

SPG anyone? Nobody was talking about SPG but Dreamer put post after post describing the value. He called it in the 70s I think, rode it up to 140/150, and got out. Then called it a good value again around 100. I rode it up 50% from there in less than 4 months.

Dreamer called out ZM as phenomenally overvalued even as it went from 200 to 300 to near 600 and every momo investor was still in. It hasn’t been above 100 in years, a slow and painful death. Sure people rode it up and got out at 550. Sure.

Look at post after post detailing good investments. Recently all the posts on ESPR.

That is what you want to chase away with base antagonism. Just really disappointing.

Dreamer looks for good companies trading at a value with a realistic chance of exiting with a big profit. So if he doesn’t see that he is just negative on everthing and he’s the angriest guy on the boards? To wrap it up again - this is just a really bad and honestly stupid take.


This is such a bad take…

Coming to this board to post these types of comments is the equivalent to always going to someone elses social media page to always disagree with them instead of posting your own unique content on your own page. While I disagree with some of the stuff that Dreamer posts particularly some of the over the top negativity, I really appreciate his different slant on many topics versus the “STOCKS ONLY GO UP” approach of many.

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I have recently started following Jonah as well and it was purely an accident thru X. How did you find him? I think as well he is good. @Citibeach44 do you follow anyone else or you have any other recommendations on who else have not only good performance but also relatively similar style (investing on performance of the underlying business)? Thanks

Hi Kaaes
Brad Freeman is very good with analysis.
Whatever anyone thinks of Jonah Lupton, he’s brash and sometimes feisty, but he’s really good at what he does. I dont trade or hedge with him, but I’ve followed and bought and sold along with him in his core holdings. So he claims to be up over 200% YTD, no way of disproving it, as again his core picks have done extremely well. Why I’m actually surprised I’m not up more than 31% YTD. Although I’ve held a big cash position, I’ve also held big winners this year. Top two are NVDA and META, followed my TTD, TMDX and MELI. I also bought and got out of CELH, ELF and SMCI on his recommendations. Was building SMCI up again in this last sell off with him as well. I also got back into ELF last week when it was announced that Buffett started a big position in ULTA. I own a few of his others as well, and a few of Brad Freeman’s. They both own NU now. I got out of CRWD on the big IT screw up that day, but Freeman’s holding on.

So yea, check out Brad Freeman. He’s on X as well. Other than that I get a great macro newsletter from a good friend. We tend to share services. ;).

Best to you.


I’ve also been following Jonah Lupton on X since 2021. He’s been absolutely crushing it. I’m up about 27% YTD thanks to some of his picks like ASPN, TMDX, FOUR, APP etc. Of course, having boatloads of shares in NVDA has also helped, plus my long term holdings in AMZN, MSFT and TTD. Jonah got into ZIM today as a swing trade, I did the same.


I’ve enjoyed Brad’s letter as well. He still has a wet-behind-the-ears attitude, and I mean that in a good way - he’s become quite good at his craft, but still humble, and doesn’t seem over his skis.

Lupton is pretty brash. His technical setups are well reasoned though, good for learning even if you don’t follow his trades.

Real Vision had a great daily podcast until Raul pulled the plug about two months ago (bye bye Maggie). Now Real Vision seems lost. One regular guest they had was Cem Karsan… I try to find everything he posts or talks about.

I used to follow Beth Kindig closely. But her lieutenants got into too much Hocus pocus (Elliott Wave … “Elliott Wave is great for everything in investing… except making money!”) and she’s the opposite of Brad - hugely arrogant, real tech engineers catch her out on knowledge gaps all the time, and she’s still taking a victory lap on talking about NVDA before it ran. They also don’t have much transparency with their supposed “audited” results which are really just an accounting firm confirming their brokerage account balances Jan 1 and Dec 31 every year.

smci quickly drifting into big “gift” territory…i wonder what that’s cost the bulls around here. No position…ever.

I found this interesting…

Yes, some parts of the US population are hurting, but I just don’t see a recession coming soon. One’s been being predicted for over 2 years now, and I feel it seemed much more likely back at the end of 2022 than now.

Yes, eventually another one will come, but nobody seems to be able to predict it with any advanced accuracy so might as well keep on keepin’ on.