Gas Prices

Just in case any of you are thinking American gas prices are getting out of hand, think about this.

This is how prices have evolved in Luxembourg in the past two weeks:
Two weeks ago, diesel was $5.75/gallon
One week ago, $6.25/gallon
Monday, $7.20/gallon
Today, $8.79/gallon

I understand why it’s happening, but even so it is shocking to see.


And, as in 2008, there is chatter about suspending fuel taxes in the US. (18 cents Federal, and iirc, something like 28 cents state)

The Michigan Gov is proposing the Federal tax be suspended. The (L&Ses) in the legislature want to suspend the state fuel tax. The Congressman representing my district in 2008 liked to reach out to people for their input. In 08, I received a robocall from him inviting input on the chatter about suspending fuel taxes. I called his local office and told his staffer how wrongheaded it was to suspend the tax. The tax pays for road maintenance. No tax revenue, no road repairs, and Michigan roads are notoriously bad. As I told the staffer “the potholes will not go away on their own”.

The Gov submitted her budget proposal in January, with big increases in infrastructure and education funding. “Oh no!” shouted the (L&Ses) “that money has to go to the job creators”. So the (L&Ses) passed a big “JC” skewed tax cut package instead, which the Gov vetoed.

This winter has featured a large number of freeze/thaw cycles, and the roads are particularly bad right now. Fortunately, I have cheap, expendable, tires and wheels on my car during the winter.

Steve…bumper sticker seen in Michigan “I’m not driving drunk, I’m dodging potholes”


Steve…bumper sticker seen in Michigan “I’m not driving drunk, I’m dodging potholes”


Reminds me of a colleague’s words who worked and lived in suburban Detroit.

“We have just two seasons in Michigan: Winter, and road repair.”

Being the home of automotive mass production genius Henry Ford you’d think that long term someone would come up with better surface designs to withstand the obvious challenges of MI weather.

Being the home of automotive mass production genius Henry Ford you’d think that long term someone would come up with better surface designs to withstand the obvious challenges of MI weather.

Found an updated road maintenance page.

As of last November, capital spending per lane mile among Great Lakes states:

Wisconsin: $11.74
Illinois: $13.30
Indiana: $9.41
Ohio: $13.96
Michigan: $7.50

Road roughness score:

Wisconsin: 137
Illinois: 118.5
Indiana: 109.2
Ohio: 112.2
Michigan: 127.1

Percent of roads in poor condition.

Wisconsin: 28%
Illinois: 19%
Indiana: 14%
Ohio: 20%
Michigan: 25%

Road Conditions and Spending by State: Does More Money Mean Better Roads?…

Seems the people in Wisconsin are being rogered the worst: paying more than Indiana, for the worst roads in the region.

Michigan is simply neglecting it’s infrastructure. A few years ago, Michigan raised it’s fuel tax and registration fees, but, at the same time, the (L&Ses) withdrew an equal mount of road funding that had been coming from general revenue, to help cover two rounds of tax cuts for the “JCs”, so, in spite of the tax increase, there was no net increase in road funding. Michigan also charges 6% sales tax on fuel, so the total tax burden on fuel is one of the highest in the country, but the roads are among the worst.

How High are Gas Taxes in Your State?

As noted before, Michigan has a large budget surplus. The Gov proposed a budget with parts of that surplus going to infrastructure and education. The (L&Ses) said “oh no! that money has to go to the JCs”, and passed a tax cut accordingly. The Gov vetoed the tax cut. So, impasse,


If we cut gas taxes for demographic reasons we will use more gasoline. We will spend more on gasoline. Many people will go out and buy gas guzzlers. The political pressure to not reinstate gas taxes will exist then as now.

I get the selfish I can have a Ford pickup. I get the selfish I do not want to pay…wahhh…

The more gasoline we use the more it costs and the more we spend on it. Taxation keeps the usage down longer term.

Any promise that taxes will go up later is a check in the mail. The US has proven repeatedly this becomes a spring board for gas guzzlers.

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to withstand the obvious challenges of MI weather.

Heated pavement?

The Captain

Raised flashers and proper drainage with deep gravel roadbase.


Ocd raised roadbeds instead of raised flashers,but that would be entertaining.
