Gold and Foreign Reserves "Held in Trust&qu

Posted via cell phone on the fly;

Let Putin know that Western banks don’t intend to permanently keep Russian gold and reserves.

The assets are being “held in trust” against the cost of rebuilding Ukrainian cities and paying reparations to the families of Ukrainian civilian victims of Russian violence.

Once Ukraine’s damages and reparations are paid, whatever is left over will promptly be refunded to the Kremlin.




Once Ukraine’s damages and reparations are paid, whatever is left over will promptly be refunded to the Kremlin.

Yeah, that’ll work!

Glad there are such easy solutions to today’s chaos.

(And, why wouldn’t it? It’s ALWAYS worked in the past.)

On the other hand:
If/when Ukraine prevails in their current crisis, and the shooting stops, something tells me America will be footing the bill for a lot of the rebuild/restoration.

Justa guess, to be sure.

(If Vlad claims his ‘prize’, a pile of ashes? The future of that section of the world is BLEAK.)

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…something tells me America will be footing the bill for a lot of the rebuild/restoration.

Prolly, but maybe a few multi-million dollar yachts and prime real estate properties could provide the seed money?


something tells me America will be footing the bill for a lot of the rebuild/restoration.

We did it for Europe and Japan following WW2, and setting aside Pikachu, it’s probably the best investment this country ever made.

10/10, would do again

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