Just gone over $2,700 an ounce here in the UK
Bitcoin was over 99,000 a coin. Much better investment.
I’ll still have my gold when the power goes out though
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Ah the old stone age argument. I can see you now Divitias putting your gold in a wagon and trying to get out of town as all the people just bow to you and wish you luck.
…and so they should
Fool’s gold is approaching $1M per idiot.
IF true (big IF) then it explains why the world is dumping US debt and buying gold
And you know we’ve only just begun…to live…so many hills to climb.
Goofy what is the return on US paper? That is a complex.
Depends on the toilet and how much paper it takes to make it back up. THEN you need to call the plumber over and over again each time…