Google takes on Zoom and Slack ...

"Google takes on Zoom and Slack by bundling video calls and chat into Gmail for business users

Google is revamping its Gmail email app with quick access to group chats, documents and video calls.
The Meet video calling service is getting new features, like the ability to control which users can share a screen. […]"…

I haven’t really followed SLACK to closely over the past several months. That being said, I’m still comfortable in holding long onto ZM for two reasons:

  1. Many of Google’s attempts at “business friendly” programs really haven’t caught on vis a vis its competitors (see G Suite vs. Office) for a variety of reasons, and;

  2. Google is just one “trust buster” away whether it’s within the EU or the US that would probably disrupt Google for years to come regarding gaining market share in those markets.

As always, mahalo nui loa for everyone’s constructive contributions to this board. I learn something new every day. Aloha! :slight_smile:



I first used Google Chat a couple years ago and we abandoned the effort. Just last Friday we were forced to switch. I’ve been using it for over a week now again (ahead of the forced switch). If you were on Google Hangouts Chat (the old system) then this is a big improvement. If you have used anything else (Slack, Discord) it is a pathetic showing.

Literally the only 2 things it has going for it are:

  1. It shows up in GMail (though I do find I need to have a dedicated tab open as well since it is easier to follow room threads at times)
  2. It is free if you are already on GSuite. Which is the real reason we use it.

I also was forced on to a Meet-ing again this week (someone started a call and I joined). It was terrible. The quality was bad and I was missing so many features I’ve grown used to with Zoom. Never again.