Age 95, Why we still have him as a board member?
I have more of a problem with two kids.
Companies don’t keep average workers much beyond 65, but when it comes to top executives… whatever. A company like Berkshire should be able to attract top talent to the board. Berkshire board is underwhelming.
Gottesman appear to own over $10 BB in BRK stock.
Clearly he has some skills.
Clearly he has some skills.
At 95… whatever.
I think Berkshire board is going for 8 over 80 or 9 over 90. Longevity seems to be primary skill for the board or may be they are stacking the board to match the age of their shareholder base
I wish Berkshire would only put people over 80 on the board of directors. Anyone under 80 is completely moronic. I’ve established that fact by reading this board for well over 20 years!
hmmm so you somehow figured out a person’s age by reading their post? I guess that’s a skill.