Poll: What is your age?

Age is just a number right? What is yours?

My reason for asking that there seems to be quite a number of folks on this Board looking to lighten up or sell their BRK shares at these recent highs. For most of last year, a number of posters were lamenting about BRK’s underperformance. Some even suggesting dividends (gasp!)

The reality is that an investor in the “accumulation stage” of their lives buying BRK today expecting to own it for the next 10-20 years - and a BRK owner in the “decumulation stage” who has already owned the stock for 20+ years and needs to sell the stock in the near future - may have opposite preferences when it comes to short term price movements and future dividend policies.

So naturally, I am curious what the age breakdown of the shareholders on this Board is. Thanks in advance.

  • < 45 years old
  • 45-54 years old
  • 55-64 years old
  • 65-74 years old
  • 75+ years old

0 voters


I’m under 45… but if you’ve ridden it up from 80 since 2012 it seems fully valued atm given historic valuations. I’m in Jim’s camp. Hold or sell.

You want to know how many people are net contributors to their accounts, vs net withdrawers from their accounts, and so “naturally” you ask about… Age?
You’ll then assume, from our ages, how long we’ve owned Berkshire and then assume again if we’re in an accumulation stage or a decumulation stage?

You were right when you started off. Age is just a number. I’m under 45 and stared to live off my investments this year. I’m sure there are others over 65 still working and adding to their investments as well.


You want to know how many people are net contributors to their accounts, vs net withdrawers from their accounts, and so “naturally” you ask about… Age?
You’ll then assume, from our ages, how long we’ve owned Berkshire and then assume again if we’re in an accumulation stage or a decumulation stage?

You were right when you started off. Age is just a number. I’m under 45 and stared to live off my investments this year. I’m sure there are others over 65 still working and adding to their investments as well.

No, I am legitimately curious of the age structure of this board.

The sequence of thoughts was: 1) Wow, there are a surprising number of folks on this board who seem to wanna sell their BRK. > 2) Well, I suppose that could be because lots of folks are living of their portfolio and need to sell soonish. > 3) Maybe the age of the typical poster on this board is higher than I imagined? > 4) Maybe I should just ask people how old they are? That would be interesting. What’s the worst that can happen?

Also, I am well aware that age and portfolio size/situation are not the same thing.

If you’re offended by the question, you don’t have to answer it.


I see the over 75 crowd has a strong showing. More power to you. I’m 53, luckily bought into BRK at age 28 (wish it had been younger)in 1997, and hope to one day be as lucky as anyone who’s held onto BRK for decades and decades. Mainstream culture is foolish to focus exclusively on youth. There is much to learn from experience. It’s the lack of respect towards our elders that makes me sad.

Still learning, still listening and occasionally posting.