GTR1 showing 231012 as an end-date!

I ran a blending backtest just now and got …

Statistics are calculated from 19970902 to 20231012 over daily closing portfolio values for all 252 trading cycles.

Many many thanks Robbie!

PS: 231006 SI-Pro MD5 hash works as a screening password. And initial good news in that there’s exact agreement in the screen picks calculated manually from SI-Pro & via GTR1 so far.



Which file from SI Pro do you use to get the MD5 hash?

Thanks, Larry

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The 6th October 2023 end-week download although it may have updated to 13th October for this week (I haven’t needed to screen for this week).

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Is the file from which I want to get the MD5 hash called SI_Start.exe found in C:\Program Files\Stock Investor\Professional? If it is, do you just update each week or do you download the whole program afresh each week? If SI_Start.exe is not the one, which is?


You want to click on ‘Past Updates’ on the SI-Pro download screen & then download the 6th October 2023 file. Calculate the MD5 Hash on the downloaded file & use that as the screening password (note the MD5 Hash should use capital letters rather than small ones, so depending on how you calculate it you may need to convert the hash to capitals).

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This is the hash I got for 6 Oct: AB65D73CBA2A25D31486A063F98163BF

It appears to have expired if it was ever right. I’ll take a look at Oct. 13 to see if it now works. Is it true that once I get the hash for Oct 31, it should work for all of November?

I think Oct. 13 works. At least I am not getting the permission message. I now am getting messages about missing fields. Testing with a few SI Pro just regular screen backtests, I get messages about trbc7.s and incd.s being missing. Neither show up using list:*.s. I hope it is because Robbie is still doing his thing rather than that all my urls are wrong.

What wasn’t working an hour ago, now is!