Guessed an Entry into TAN

Quill’s Simon Sez method is a sound way to trade. But I also do quite a bit of bottom fishing. Sometimes, my guesses don’t work out. Sometimes, they do.

Here’s another guess that’s working out nicely.

Another guess that’s working out.

Out of BATT this morning with a 4.6% profit for a 6-day holding period. Out of TAN with a 3.2% for a 7-day holding period. I see that my entry into NRDS is doing well, despite today’s mostly down market.

Out of EVER today with a 10.7% gain.

Here’s 5-day trade done per Quill’s Simon Sez method --well, sorta-- that offered a windfall, 29.3% gain.

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That series of charts raises a serious question: “When to take profits?” “When to cut losses?”

Wm O’Neil, of IBD fame, suggests an 8% cut losses stop. If that is the case, then why not an 8% profit target, especially if the profit is achieved in a day or two?

Yeah, yeah. I know. The customary mantra is "Cut losses fast. Let winners run." But we’re living in very fragile times where fundamentals can’t be trusted as once it was possible to do so. So if the chart isn’t showing the gain that was hoped for, or if the chart shows an inexplicable jump up, I sell and move on to the next trade.

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Grabbed another windfall profit.