Hochfeld on Square

Seeking Alpha article updating Bert Hochfeld’s opinion on Square,Inc. (SQ).



What are the downsides to ‘registering’ on Seeking Alpha? A year or two ago I started to register but then found strangely you had to enter a list of stocks or something which seemed to promise and demand involvement and probably emails which I profoundly wanted to avoid - I just wanted to read the occasional article. Often you can anyway with no fuss so I went no further. Can you just register for free and then read the occasional article and nothing else? Thanks to anyone who has a moment to respond.

It’s free.

Just ads on the website. You can use adblocker and it will ask for you to turn it off but you can ignore the request if you want to.

The only emails I get are alerts telling me when a new article has been written about stocks I’ve added. I don’t find that too useful because I also have the app which also alerts me. I’m sure there’s a way to turn off the email notifications but haven’t got around to it yet.

In short. No downside. You can always unsubscribe.

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What are the downsides to ‘registering’ on Seeking Alpha?

Hi Streina, As far as I can see there are NO downsides to registering on Seeking Alpha. It’s free to start off with. You can set up a portfolio of stocks you want to watch and they will send you email alerts on any press releases, conference call transcripts, or Seeking Alpha articles on those stocks. I put all my active positions in the portfolio. If you start getting too many alerts just cut the number of stocks in your portfolio. I think it’s a great free service.



Many thanks for the replies to my q. about Seeking Alpha. Much appreciated.

What are the downsides to ‘registering’ on Seeking Alpha?

For me, the primary downside is getting way too much information (good and bad, but mostly bad) on the companies I follow.

I find myself using it primarily to access earnings transcripts and try not to read so much on the site due to the sensationalized nature of most of the content combined with my human frailties of forming actionable opinions on the content. Besides, most of the SA type stuff for the stocks on this discussion board are well discussed on this board, and I trust this board a hell of a lot more than I do SA.

However, I do read Bert’s articles and like getting alerts on them.


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I think it’s a great free service.

Shoutout to SeekingAlpha. They have really democratized investing in some ways. Their free conference call scripts is a great service. I can’t even imagine how we used to invest before the internet now.

Technology is awesome.