On Seeking Alpha

John Sergeant sent me a question about an article on Seeking Alpha about TSLA, and my answer included a bunch of generally useful information about Seeking Alpha. I thought that people not following the TSLA thread might not see it, so here it is again.

By the way, we tend to scorn Seeking Alpha here on the Fool because of all the bad short articles, but there are a lot of good informative articles mixed in. It’s free and if you list a group of stocks you want to follow in a “portfolio” and ask for “alerts”, you can get any article relating to one of your stocks as it is released to the general public. You can also request the “Pre-Market Summary on Your Portfolio” with press releases by your companies, news about them, and new articles about them. Also you can request “Wall Street Breakfast” with general economic and business news, all for the grand price of…zero dollars.
