Hi guys, I think I am looking for Home Equity Loan advice, for a little bit of a strange scenario. Our current house is paid for. We are hoping to buy a better house and have started looking. We would like to buy the next house with cash. There is about a $250,000 difference in upgrading to the new house (probably). The current house needs some upgrading, which we would prefer to do, after we have moved into the new house, and then take a few months to do the upgrading, before selling it. Current house is worth perhaps $500K. Next house may be worth $750K. We are retired and most of our annual income comes from selling our stocks. We were wondering if we could get a home equity loan on our current house for perhaps $400Kā¦(80% I have seenā¦??) then sell only perhaps $350K of our stocks, and buy the next house with that as a cash sale. THEN, after moving out of our current house, we can upgrade and remodel it for a few months, before selling it, and getting the cash back out of it. What I am trying to do is take the least amount out of the stock market as I canā¦ Maybe you guys know of another way of doing it, but I was thinking of a home equity loanā¦ I could just get a mortgage on the next houseā¦ .but getting approved might be problematic, because our income is a combination of social security and the sale of stocks, and I am not sure how that would be looked upon. We coluld also try to get the seller of our next house, to take a second for a few months or somethingā¦ not sure if that is a crazy request or what. And I guess we could get a private signature loan or something. Just wondering if you guys have some creative suggestions for how to do this. Thanks in advance.