Homeless Solution

Did I waste $50.00 on a drug addict?


Help a guy out?

It could be both. I used to travel to DC regularly and on my walk to the hotel, there was a guy who always asked for money. I gave him a buck or two most of the time, but once I gave him a 20, and he thanked me profusely. I think I saw that guy in that location for at least 6 months, maybe even close to a year.

I had the same question after I gave him that 20 … but I then thought, even if he uses it on booze or drugs, I helped him out … because he NEEDS that booze or drugs at that point.


Panhandling really reveals the underbelly of the “boot strap” crowd. The righteous are very cruel… unbelievably so when not constrained by their peers (which the homeless are not). First hand experience talking here.

I won’t give money to panhandlers. Hard stop. I have however taken a panhandler to get something to eat, or to the grocery store for a bag of groceries. It’s an investment of time and money, seeing them as a person and taking the time to talk with them.

I don’t have a problem with giving someone a hand up…I just won’t bring them down by giving them money to spend in a way that’s hurtful, or be taken advantage of by someone who has turned it into a job. I have had people turn away from me empty handed when I offered a meal/bag of groceries instead of cash.

I’ve had some pretty lean years as a teen. I remember being asked if I liked cheese as I walked down the street of the student slums I lived in. Was a little creeped out at the question, but hey, I wasn’t asked to go inside, I was starving and cheese is good. Was given some extra WIC supplies, with 2 lbs butter, a 5lb block of Velveeta and a pound of honey. Meals for a month.