Insecure connection website

I’m mystified. I use a website that isn’t secure because it’s the only way I get to watch my NHL hockey team. It is
But it ONLY works on ONE out of SIX computers! Why might it work fine on one computer but on the others I get all kinds of weird stuff, warnings, ads, and so forth.
What could possibly be the reason it works fine on my one computer but not on others?
My big concern is that I will be soon replacing the computer it works on with a new computer. So then I may be out of luck if it doesn’t work on the new computer, which the odds are it won’t.
What is magical about this one computer where it works fine!
Any thoughts on this oddity?
PS - I would be glad to subscribe to watch my hockey team but there doesn’t seem to be any way to do so. My team is the Boston Bruins, mostly televised on NESN, but I live in California and you can’t subscribe to NESN except in the Boston area.
So as far as I’ve been able to figure out, is my only choice.

It is probably your security program and how you have it set up.


Hi Andy,
That’s a brilliant idea! Thanks.
OK, so I have my laptop and desktop in front of me. The desktop is the one works on just fine. With the laptop, I get:
“This site can’t provide a secure connection”
They are both Windows 10. I got to “virus and threat protection”.
They both look the same and I can’t see anyway to even turn the protection off if I wanted to as a test. I did do one thing after Googling this question: manage settings, turned real time protection off.
That didn’t help. Unless I have to reboot?
See print screen below.
Any suggestions?

First of all Rick does this happen with any of your web browsers. Try different ones and see if any of them work. Then we can try other options.



With MS Edge, when I go to, it has one of those “I’m not a robot” boxes to check. When I do, it just comes back over and over again “I’m not a robot”.
Same with IE.
That’s all the browsers on my laptop that I know of.
Should I download another one, like firefox?

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OK so everything is Microsoft, Yes download Chrome and Firefox too. That way we will know if it is a browser problem or your computer security.


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Chrome is what I’ve been using on all my computers. So it’s happening on that as well as the MS ones.
But I’m downloading Firefox also, just to see.
OK, Firefox does the same as the MS ones. Are you a robot over and over again. Also, I got a message from Firefox saying my system is infected and to activate my antivirus. So I’m doing that.
By the way, I’m doing all these tests on a defunct laptop that I don’t care about. It will be going in the trash in the near future.
But I have tried on a few other computers WITHOUT clicking on the “robot” thing, since that’s what downloads a virus I think.

That robot thing is a Captcha test that keeps networks from being taken over by bots. So we are working just with your laptop? Since that is the one that onhockey works with what are we trying to solve?


No, my desktop is the only one onhockey works with. The laptop gives me trouble, those robot things. I suspect it is a fake Captcha. Just a hunch.
I’m trying to figure out why onhockey ONLY works on my desktop, so that when I get a new desktop it will work with onhockey. Otherwise I’ll be out of luck with watching my hockey team!

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OK Rick gotcha. So we are going to use your laptop as the guinea pig?


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Yes. My laptop is the guinea pig!
Thank you!

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OK Rick, LOL that is one weird site. I clicked on your link and received a bunch of pop ups with some sketchy crap that warned me about a virus. So I did a Ctrl alt delete and shut down my chrome browser.

Do you have a VPN? Because then I went and turned on my VPN and went to the site and everything worked perfectly. No pop ups and I could see all the hockey games on the left. I don’t know if I would want to turn off my security for that site.



LOL, wow, it is a weird site! That much stuff doesn’t happen to me.
What is a VPN? No, I don’t have that.
How do I get one? :slight_smile:

OK, so since I don’t have a VPN, why is my desktop complete safe on that site and it works fine? Really weird!
So I’ll try installing a VPN on my guinea pig laptop if you can suggest one that is free and how to use it.
Is a VPN the thing that you can use to hide your location, so maybe with that I could subscribe to NESN, pretending I’m in the area that they allow? I’ve heard of something like that.

If you got a virus, I’m very sorry for dragging you into this! I hope your computer is ok.


How about this one:–2/10-D-(WW)-USD-&ns=google&nm=cpc&nt=vpns&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADpmrggALp5QoeDT0OU3NNApFx1BUkIQ4oRlKMc8O8w67ozsZKgSRegaAjKvEALw_wcB

Or do you have a VPN suggestion?
You mentioned you turned your VPN on. Is there any reason to not just leave it on all the time? Why turn it off?
And will it allow me subscribe to NESN which is only available in the Boston area?
This is exciting! And I can test it out on my guinea pig laptop so as to not worry about downloading something I don’t yet understand!

Ralph don’t worry about me this isn’t my first Rodeo.

Here is the one I use and it has a 7 day free trial. I pay for a year so It about 9 dollars a month and I can put it on all my devices. It helps with Virus’s but some sites will try to block it so you have to change Cities that you are using.

How to get an ExpressVPN Free Trial - Updated in May 2024.

I like it, easy to set up.


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Not sure why your one is working ok but I think your other computers are keeping you off the site and blocking pop ups. A VPN will take care of that.


Do you think I’ll be able to subscribe to NESN using a VPN? :slight_smile:

This one is cheaper. How can you tell if one is better than the other? Or can’t you without trying?

You know you might be able to. It changes your IP to look like you are in the area. You might call the VPN service and ask them. I know ExpressVPN will help with that type of problem.

When I was looking at them I was comparing them all, they have reviews on which ones are better. I have had mine for 3 years so things could have changed and Nordvpn might be better.


Edit: I might have to look at them again, that is certainly a better price.