Invest like the best

The “Invest like the best” podcast last week was with Savneet Singh,“The Berkshire of Software”. Great discussion on what he looks for in Saas businesses starting around the 38 minute mark.



Here is a link to the webpage for the episode (which I happened to listen to yesterday on my drive home):

I particularly liked the episode from a few weeks earlier with Josh Wolfe of Lux Capital as well.


I started listening to this podcast after hearing you guys talk about it.

Maybe there should be a board for it? j/k. but seriously.


I looked into Workiva (WK), and bought a small starter in it. But sold recently because it didn’t grow on me. The more I looked into it the less I liked.

That might be the only investment I have taken away from the podcast though.

The Josh Wolfe podcast was fun to listen to, and he has invested in some crazy things.

Have you found any investments from listening to the podcast that you want to share? I have a hard time remembering what they are talking about the next day once I get to a computer to do some investigation. And the podcast notes don’t call them out, so I’d have to listen to them all over again to remember specific companies.
