Hoping ANDY sees this but I guess any of you folks may also be able to answer this.
In the past, I had got killed by my very erroneous thinking…I bought XYZ at $350 just a year back…it felll to $300 after one ER…I would buy thinking well people wer buying at 350, and so it should be a good deal at $300…and I would think that those who are selling now were just day traders who just were not willing to hold long term…and the damn thing would fall to $250…and now I would panic and say…well, no choice but DCA so that I can get out even when it eventually rises…HOW STUPID WAS I - I know now!!!
I saw Andy’s comments on SNOWFLAKE…and I guess he is referring excatly to this
So, how does one correlate with what P/S is appropriate for what revenue growth?
I am guessing using such metrics is the way to decide if something is cheap or not…Thinking that stock A at 150 is 50% cheap compared to its prior 1 year price of 300 is, well, heights of stupidity - And that was me !!