I see Dreamer has again strayed from the straight and narrow, wandered into Saul’s briar patch with the Gospel According to Valuation.
He is correct. But it nearly misses bullseye. I go back to the money line from the Epsilon Theory blog post. If you find alpha that the market does not recognize, cherish it and ride it because IT IS A RARE THING. When the market does recognize it, its not alpha anymore, and this is reflected and identified by… valuation going all to Hell. Dreamer identified that early to mid-2021. The latest thread over at Saul’s misses the mark by a mile. It isn’t recession or interest rate or inventory cycles. When every other blog post contained “SaaS”, there was no bloom on the alpha rose. The game is over. They are not going to find the next DDOG/CRWD/ZS. The gold in this creek has been found. The next boom will be yonder, over the mountains. IMO. Doesn’t mean there isn’t money to be made, but 15% or 20, not 150% or 200. I get emails from MF about stocks on my watchlist (which I haven’t updated for over a year), and other Rule Breaker stocks. I haven’t bothered to read most of them. Boring. Campground company? 2005 era restaurants? Hardware companies? Yawn. But maybe that’s where the 15-20%-ers will be found and compound that over your IRS “guaranteed” actuarial remaining life span and it is still a nice number (inflation?).
I gathered some numbers to post my August results and it made me want to puke. Looked up my end of year statement–which of course showed November end. Had to stare that in the face and see I was down 13 to 15% for December and rode the elevator pretty far down the building. Ugh. Because UPST had EPS that showed value… I guess it will again in a few quarters. Anyway, up 5.6% for August. A year of that and I’d be up 91% from July end. It is a long slog upwards, with wind in y’er face and danger abounding.
DW’s incision healing much better, so the tough love produced results. Toes maybe safe?
Two puts are in the money as of Thursday end. Premarket up, so I might slip through UPST well clear, but I could own twice as many DDOG and ZS shares come Saturday morning. Not too concerned.