Long-Term Economic Effects Of The Ukraine War
(Opinion by Bill Conerly)
(I think the world’s opinion of Russia will improve once Putin is out of the picture. (One way or another.)
Russia’s attack on Ukraine will have lasting and negative effects on the world economy, with especially harsh impacts on Russia for a decade or longer, lesser negative consequences on Europe for a decade, with even smaller effects on the U.S. and the rest of the global economy.
Underlying this economic forecast is an assumption that the war does not go nuclear, in which case things would get much worse. That is an assumption; don’t ask an economist to predict the outcome of a war.
Russia will be a pariah in the international community for a decade or longer.
Although most international sanctions would be removed if an agreement between Russia and Ukraine is reached, some sanctions may remain.
More significantly, Western businesses will not invest in Russian projects or joint ventures even where legal.
Fear of another conflict, perhaps with the Baltic countries or elsewhere near Russia’s southern border, would deter long-term deals.
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Fear of another conflict, perhaps with the Baltic countries or elsewhere near Russia’s southern border, would deter long-term deals.
That can NOT be allowed to happen. Parallels with the events of 1939 abound.
It has to be stopped in the here and now. Likely to be ugly. But, unstopped, the ugliness grows by orders of mad-nitude. There are no options.
…and IF Russia is stopped and weakened then China is at the very least made more wary of violating norms of international and business law. Once that is sufficiently stabalized the world could get a huge “Peace Dividend” allowing serious progress against oncoming GCD (Global Climate Disaster).
david fb
Once that is sufficiently stabilized the world could get a huge “Peace Dividend” allowing serious progress against oncoming GCD (Global Climate Disaster).
david fb
I must absolutely disagree.
There is NO man made climate change/disaster afoot. NONE.
The concept is a fraud. A patent FRAUD.
The Earth DOES change temperature; it DOES. PERIOD.
In its 4.5 billion years, it has frozen ‘~solid’ four times, at least one time when the polar ice caps reached to the 40 degrees N/S latitudes, and at least one time 75% of the Earth’s water was locked in the ice.
‘Control’ of Earth’s climate has zero to do with controlling the Earth, and everything to do with controlling US. Thee and me.
Trillion$ of dollar$ being flushed down the toilet are just that, dollar$ being flushed down the toilet for nothing.
Useful reading:
Web searches for climate change fraud will reap added information.
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Long-Term Economic Effects Of The Ukraine War
Dave, we old phartz remember when Russia and “Red” China were both pariahs, 60 years ago. The western world prospered.