I agree with Denny that Saul does a fine job policing his board. But the post about clutter, especially related to daily price movements, clearly struck a chord with many, including me. What I’ve been thinking the last few days is along these lines: “You know, the more posts we have here with not a lot of thought that went into them…it kind of encourages more of the same. It makes a thoughtful post that adds a ton of value more likely to get lost in the shuffle…and new posters may not even realize that they’re there, or how to learn from them, and how to eventually contribute their own.” Those have been my thoughts.
But I’m not trying to shut anyone down. I just want us all to get the most possible out of this board. Maybe the best thing each of us can do is just try to add as much value as possible. I try to do so by:
posting no more than a few times a day, and usually less. No one needs to monopolize the board with random thoughts or questions they could answer themselves with a 3 minute Google search.
I try to put some thought into my posts, spending at least several minutes gathering all the information I can first.
If I’m starting a thread, I try to make sure the topic is relevant to the board. This usually means one of the following topics:
- a summary of a growth company I have recently followed – perhaps purchased shares (e.g. http://discussion.fool.com/new-relic-newr-32978733.aspx)
- analysis of a growth company, often related to news, like their quarterly report (e.g. http://discussion.fool.com/bear39s-belated-sq-decq-review-330047…)
- analysis related to or comparing multiple growth companies (e.g. http://discussion.fool.com/what-a-difference-a-week-can-make-329…)
- my monthly review of my portfolio including thoughts on all companies I own (e.g. http://discussion.fool.com/bear39s-portfolio-through-feb-2018-32…)
- If I’m replying to someone with a question, I try to answer the question myself first. If I can’t, I ask, but I give my thoughts first to clarify my point of view. Back and forth investing discussions between each other are what this board is all about, but the more you explain your current understanding when you ask a question, the more relevant of an answer you’ll likely receive.
I hope this post adds value. My goal is simply to let you all know that I appreciate it when others put thought into their posts before submitting. I do believe the thought you put in is readily apparent to all…I’m tempted to call out some good actors, but you probably know who you are by the recs you have received. Anyway, I’m really not trying to police the board – as I said, Saul does that just fine. I just think that if we all put a little more thought into our posts, we’d all get more out of the board.
Thanks for considering whether you might want to adopt the above guidelines that I use, or similar guidelines of your own making.
Many of these long winded or OT posts are usually from someone that just needs a hug.
I can only guess my comments on Talend’s F-3 filing were lumped into the apparent angst about daily price movements.
Not sure why commenting on a 7% daily move on a stock, in which 10x the number of daily volume shares are potentially being dumped into the market isn’t relevant, especially if someone was looking to add to TLND for the first time or add to an existing position and make strategic use of some extra cash.
TMF’s news feeds are cluttered with “Why (x company gained/lost) today”. Daily moves right before/on/after an ER are especially notable too. See TTD recent ER, or BZUN earlier this week.
Either way, it is Saul’s board, but all the comments lamenting this and that are a bit too much for me. Especially complaints from lurkers who, by definition, don’t add anything to the discussion, yet take the time to protest when their free message board viewing somehow deviates from their expectations. Industries change, markets change, disruption happens. Adapt already.
I was also emailed by a lurker on this board last week, complaining in all caps that I wasn’t proofreading my posts to his satisfaction. A bit much.
Keep up the good work on your stock picks. I will lurk from time to time for sure.
Either way, it is Saul’s board, but all the comments lamenting this and that are a bit too much for me. Especially complaints from lurkers who, by definition, don’t add anything to the discussion, yet take the time to protest when their free message board viewing somehow deviates from their expectations. Industries change, markets change, disruption happens. Adapt already.
If this is what happens to this board in a great bull market, imagine what will happen in a down market 
In all seriousness, there is a huge variance in investment experience on this board, perhaps more than any other at the FOOL, largely because it is a great board with great posts but also because some come here to hang on every word that Saul utters and to mimic his every stock moves.
There is also massive learning by newbies to the market, there are seasoned veterans incredulous to the massive gains, there are skeptics and there is everything in between.
When you get a clash of experiences/perspectives like this, there are going to be posts that people just become inpatient about…let it go folks…its the nature of the diversity of investment experience that was attracted here.
You have a rich board with a great sensei at its core…don’t sweat the small stuff.
TMF’s news feeds are cluttered with “Why (x company gained/lost) today”.
TMF is in the business of collecting eyeballs! This board has/uses a different approach.
Not sure why commenting on a 7% daily move on a stock, in which 10x the number of daily volume shares are potentially being dumped into the market isn’t relevant, especially if someone was looking to add to TLND for the first time or add to an existing position and make strategic use of some extra cash.
Some price movements “are” relevant but most are just the normal noise of the market, specially with volatile stocks. Not every move has an explanation nor does it need one. If people spent a little time on the very basics of technical analysis, 80% of price movement comments would melt away.
I was also emailed by a lurker on this board last week, complaining in all caps that I wasn’t proofreading my posts to his satisfaction. A bit much.
I very much dislike being emailed. The board is here to discuss stuff.
Denny Schlesinger
Still, it’s just a public TMF board. Nothing more or less. New peeps will breeze in and others with drift away. Conformity only comes with time and community.
I used to be a cranky old man