For some reason I started to feel a little angst yesterday anticipating the MDB release today. So I went back and confirmed my past feelings on the company. I thought I’d share some of the highlights.
A little look back at last qtr and review some of the great posts we had about the FUD surrounding MDB.
Last qt was a blow out and the guidance was amazing too!…
Some highlights from that release:
Total revenue was $65.0 million, an increase of 57% year-over-year.
Subscription revenue was $60.1 million, an increase of 59% year-over-year.
Over 8,300 Customers at October 31, 2018, up 69% Year-over-Year!!
MongoDB Atlas Revenue 22% of Total Q3 Revenue, up over 300% Year-over-Year!
Rev is growing much faster than loses.
Thats an incredible snap shot from last qtr! Revenue accelerating a small amount from subscription rev being 90%+ and the big one is Atlas @ 300%!!
Guidance for 73 to 74m, around 65% growth including 5m from the mlab acq.
Now the other issue a lot have had is the FUD wiht MDB. Lucky for us we have some really smart people on this board and NPI that have shared their expert knowledge in the field. Here are a few posts, and there was a lot more from others too.
A link to Muji’s post.…
Steppenwulf’s post…
One thing I really like was the point SW made about the database market being a must have. It’s not a decision of IF to have, It’s a decision of WHO and Mongo is going to win most of the time. A look at the customer growth supports the popularity MDB has within the DB community as well!
Ahh, I feel better.