Natives Restless in China

Chinese people have become more inclined to blame being poor on unequal opportunities and an unfair economic system rather than their own lack of ability, according to research spanning almost 20 years.

The study, published on Tuesday by Big Data China – a collaboration between the Washington-based think tank Centre for Strategic and International Studies and Stanford University’s Centre on China’s Economy and Institutions – is based on multiple surveys over two decades.


Regardless of the party labels both China and Russia are fascist.

A step back towards government expenditures (socialism) to correct problems would help them democratize.

If you have a problem with socialism please leave the US and the West entirely. We would not want to hold you here.

Now that statement is exactly why I do not like the far right nor the far left. Let the middle alone and fight your battles with each other. I will bring the Popcorn and we can all watch a bunch of old men with canes fighting each other.



The far right is socialism for the rich. The far left is socialism for anyone who breathes. The middle is a balance we all should be seeking. I was talking about balanced socialism.

Put another way, we do not just collect taxes for the rich and run up the debt for the rich. We do not just collect taxes for the poor. We are supposed to be collecting taxes to retool the country and build the middle class. The rich do quite well when we retool, people are less likely to be poor, and the middle class grows and gets well rewarded for work.


I don’t have a problem with you being a socialist Leap but what I have a problem with is people that are telling other people to leave if they don’t like their viewpoint. Not everyone is going to agree with anyone 100 percent of the time, If you can get someone to agree with you 60 percent of the time be happy.



You lost the point. You are socialist as well. You live in the US.

The American denials of socialism are idiotic.

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