Not The Onion: El Salvador Offers to Take Deportees including Imprisoned Americans

I wonder what the threatened tariff was there? {{ LOL }}


No tariff, but a fee-based system.



Prisoner #1 is TIG. “Lifetime” in a tropical prison without AC. He deserves it. He gets it because “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” He is a “christian”. RIGHT ???

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Including Imprisoned Americans? This could be interesting. Especially when a new President comes in. People that support this kind of things do not understand what is going to happen down the line, they only think of what is happening in the moment.


Quite right. The Generalissimo is looking at the fee structure, and probably working out how much of that he can stuff in his own pocket.



Perhaps it still comes cheaper than expanding Guantanamo. Or perhaps a need for the combined capacity is anticipated.

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There are two issues: collecting a fee for taking deportees, and collecting recurring fees for incarcerating USians. iirc, the plan was to use Gitmo for deportees.

Incarcerating USian prisoners would be problematic. Are El Salvadorian prisons up to US standards? Would it be too awkward and expensive for USian friends and family to visit the USians held in El Salvador? I can see a “cruel and unusual punishment” suit being filed within nanoseconds of the first USian being transported there.

Holding deportees would be much easier. The El Salvadorians could as easily turn them loose the moment they land. Folks could go back to their homes in Central America, then try the US again.

Speaking of “catch and release”.

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Dang so they are catching criminals and then releasing them back into the Population? But, but this is terrible. How can they do this? None of us are safe. The President is releasing rapists and killers back into the population.


Won’t work. All prisoners have to be flown in. And the stuff needed for them. Imagine the logistics of delivering TENS OF THOUSANDS meals EVERY DAY. Never mind all the other "stuff* needed. TIG is, indeed, more stupid than anyone could have imagined–even Rove. It will cost MILLIONS PER DAY–and more. Fuel alone is one killer. Multi-billion boondoggle that we KNOW can’t work.

El Salvador is a USA banana protectorate that went full mail fist hammer against its extremely dangerous violent economy destroying gangsters. I expect that happened with quiet USA support and even help, and the move has been extremely popular with El Salvador’s population. The first of the worst of the gangs, MS-13, was founded in the streets of Los Angeles not far from where I grew up, and as of the last I heard is still ruled if not run by extremely dangerous gangsters locked up in San Quentin prison near San Francisco. Other gangs rapidly gained power in the streets until this crackdown. Notice that part of the crackdown was building this much much larger than necessary center.

Hmmmm, how very convenient not only for re-establishing order in El Salvador, but also for a USA wanting to shut down Guantanamo and now wanting to stash illegal immigrants somewhere.


Imagine an entire country that could become a “black site” for any prisoners, political or otherwise, not subject to the jurisdiction or laws of America.

What a great idea!

What happens in El Salvador stays in El Salvador; no really, you just don’t come back.


It would be a great business model and any country doing it could provide free health care for their citizens and have free help. Although there would have to be stipulations that no ovens would be allowed.

It’s about the show, just like grabbing a bunch of Muslims and tossing them in Gitmo, without any legal due process.

Why do you think the US is using military transports to deport a lot of people, instead of chartered airliners? From the pix the regime has released of brown people strapped in to C-17s, it seems apparent they could have put four times as many people in an airliner. Why the military show?


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Musk shut down the military transports, they are now using catapults.


However, TIG is “putting on a show” for his followers because that is “what dictators do when they win”.

Such a loser…