OT on lowering stress

Flu vax on 9/10, covid vax on 9/20. Hence, at peak fizz. Fizz will be subsiding in March or later, just as the winter lecture series ends and I am no longer in confined spaces with disease carriers.


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The immune response theory says that if you are exposed to enough viral particles to actually “infect” you, then your immune response will eliminate the pathogen without you ever knowing you were “infected”… And will reset the Fizz term. You’ll have a new cohort of active Fizz that will last another 6 months.



They do most of the fund raising in the non swing states

Just got my flu vax

I want a xec variant vax.

I had covid 2 months ago

Or anticipation. This promo makes me feel sorry for those that did a mail in ballot.

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Damn, I thought it was going to be “I Voted” pasties. Then again, the crazies would complain about people voting twice.


is racking up votes as the dancers are racking up notes.emphasized text

Never a dull moment.