OT *sigh*

As posted here, I wrote to one of my Senators several weeks ago, regarding a potential grain shortage from supply disruptions and suggesting the fuel ethanol mandate be suspended, so more grain can be grown for human consumption.

The day after the POTUS announces increased fuel ethanol production, increasing the grain shortage for humans, the exact opposite of my recommendation, I received a reply from my Senator:

Thank you for contacting me about Ukraine. I appreciate you taking the time to express your views. Hearing directly from Michiganders like you helps inform me on the issues that matter to our state. I’m so grateful for your input.

The e-mail goes on, and on, and on, about Russia. Not one word about what I asked about.



<a potential grain shortage from supply disruptions and suggesting the fuel ethanol mandate be suspended, so more grain can be grown for human consumption.

The day after the POTUS announces increased fuel ethanol production, increasing the grain shortage for humans>

This is on topic, since the Macroeconomic impact will be rising food price inflation. According to the food writer Michael Pollan, corn is the most widely used food ingredient. High fructose corn syrup, livestock feed and many others. He suggested that the U.S. population should adopt the Mexican traditional name of “Corn People.”


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According to the food writer Michael Pollan, corn is the most widely used food ingredient.

Corn used to be food, now it’s a raw material used to manufacture crap.

Corn oil = poison
High fructose corn syrup = poison
Corn starch = poison

The Captain


I write to one of my senators and my congresswoman. I get very well thought out responses.

Corn used to be food, now it’s a raw material used to manufacture crap.

Had a patient with a corn allergy, was surprised at the number of medications that contained corn derivatives. Mostly in the form of high fructose corn syrup.



Had a patient with a corn allergy, was surprised at the number of medications that contained corn derivatives. Mostly in the form of high fructose corn syrup.

High fructose corn syrup is a primary cause of type II diabetes

Avoid the Hidden Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup has crept into more of our foods over the last few decades. Compared with regular sugar, it’s cheaper and sweeter, and is more quickly absorbed into your body. But eating too much high fructose corn syrup can lead to insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.


If every food and every mediation contains high fructose corn syrup how can you avoid overdose?

JLC, thanks for your post!

The Captain