It is like trying to ban “fake news”. Like what is fake news and who cares. The solution is actually having journalists practice journalism again so we have a common frame of reference on facts instead of every journalist a pundit now.
Club of Rome (1960s - humanity will run out of resources and starve) was manned by all the pretty and “smart” people of the day. The only public detractor with any weight at all was spurned, riduculed, but yet he won the bet. Commodities and food today are both less expensive and more plentiful today than they were in the late 1960s when the doom and gloom of the Club of Rome was the rave by all the smarter than us intellectuals.
Global Warming…no Climate Change…will kill us. Won’t even go into that.
Soylent Green on Tuesdays…
AI will cause upheavals, but as Mauser has pointed out, AI is far, far, far, less powerful and complicated than even the brain of a turtle. It can be trained to do very specific tasks better than humans. But look at all the new high skilled jobs it will also create. I put a post on NPI board about how AI is utterly disrupting air traffic control and other such issues at airports. The pure scale of it all is amazing, and will eventually be 100% penetration. It will disrupt, jobs will be lost, but then again many jobs will be gained.
The worse thing can can do is regulate so we inhibit innovation and lock in those at the top. Ever wonder why big business is always the one leading the charge to regulate and fix such issues? It is because only big business can afford to do business in such an environment and it makes it more difficult for innovators to disrupt their cash cows.
At some point regulation will become desirable in some aspects, but at this point in time we have not a clue as to what AI will even mean.
1970s, in school, future shock! That was all the rage, how computers and automation would cost jobs, and make humans feel traumatized…never happened.
Examples are endless.
“The more GPUs you use, the more you save.” That is because GPUs are much cheaper to use for processing than CPUs, and that is where the world is headed. Ever increasing efficiency.
The more efficient we become, the more valuable employees are that produce these efficiencies, and thus the higher their wages, and the more economic activity that will flow.