Ouch! - Intel sure is taking a severe beating today

Buying opportunity? I have a small number of Intel shares, but am still an AMD long-hauler at heart.

There may be a short-term bounce or two over the next few years, but I think Intel is going to have a very tough time over the long-term. See my post here.


I would say Intel is a buy at these levels… if you like bleeding money.

I have no idea how much they will drop from here but there is little about their current situation that is encouraging. They would need to demonstrate production at scale on this 18a process and an ability to deliver all or most of the tiles/chiplets that go into their upcoming product generations in fabs arounnd the world before I’d go near it. Too much has been bet on this. And the idea that the senior management and the board “didn’t see it coming” with regard to continued weak sales tells me that they probably also didn’t see some other things coming.

And I still don’t see plausible AI offerings, and compelling data center offerings, and those are where the real money is made.

There are, I think, easier ways to make a living than picking up Intel here. I might say “long term is okay if they execute” or “a gambler might try to catch a bounce, whether the cat is dead or alive” but… really?

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Given book value is around $27, it might be a good takeover target for somebody looking to split it up and sell off the pieces. They may have some sort of poison pill in place to prevent this though.