Paul Krugman on X, the Dollar, Musk, Network Effects, BlueSky, and Excel, among other things

Gift article:

By a network I mean a social arrangement held together by what economists call [network externalities] — situations in which people find it convenient to engage in some activity because many other people are doing the same thing. A commonplace example is the long-running dominance of [Excel spreadsheets]; I don’t know anyone who loves Excel, but businesses keep using it largely because everyone else is using it.
A less mundane example — indeed, one wrapped in a lot of mystical thinking — is the international role of the dollar.
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Economists vs. We The People

The Captain


Not including the Z Gen or Millennials.

We the people are still trying to define the half dead baby boomers as the only people.

When it comes to inflation only the aged speak. Traditional reality.

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