PFA forever chemicals rem by carbon filters…

PFAs contaminating water is a concern. There is no safe level of exposure.

Chemistry World says they are removed by activated carbon filters. Those are common. Sometimes even in the filters installed on faucets. They can also be used industrial scale in vertical columns.

How do you regenerate the carbon so it can be reused? Often with steam or hot water. And article notes once you concentrate the PFAs, how do you dispose of them?

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And article notes once you concentrate the PFAs, how do you dispose of them?


Maybe they can be broken with radiation.


Of course we have been through this with dioxins. They probably can be incinerated under the right conditions. For dioxins high temperature.

But burying the concentrate in a landfill designed to contain toxics (usually sealed in a vault designed not to let anything like water in or anything out) may be the easy solution.