Pleasure of Bull Run
I know nothing!!
This too shall pass
I read this as PBR aka Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Well done.
Note to self, and others: What was ANET closing price four days ago? $174.09. Today’s close? Today, after hours: $178. So the plus 15%, post earnings is mostly getting back to even. But, adding today, before earnings, was certainly a good move. Why was it down those last 4 days?
Anyway, my shares sit in the taxable account since 2017 and 2019, a few shares bought at $30.14. The tax man awaiteth so there they remain.
Carpe diem, and all that.
Apparently it was Juniper Networks report last week that hit ANET
Thanks, JT. Arista still eating JNPR burgers, I guess. Dreamer will start getting nostalgic just hearing Juniper Networks’ being mentioned. Looks like their revenue is up 40% over the last 4 years and they still disappointed with their guidance.
ANET mkt cap $58b, close to $6b runrate annually
JNPR mkt cap $9b, closer to $5.5b runrate annually
Of course, JNPR mkt cap was about $67b about 23 years ago.
So ANET still has its work cut out for them…ha.
Two years of price “consolidation” gets ANET to P/S of 5, right? ANET grew earnings by 124% TTM, Y-o-Y. JNPR grew by 29%. JNPR’s 1YrPEG looks like a decent 0.76. ANET’s is 0.23 which in the Golden Age of Saul would have been a screaming BUY! I think these numbers a correct from a data/math standpoint. I may be in a ketosis fog as I have already managed the “highlight-delete” maneuver and lost a more detailed post. Whether the numbers have any meaning in context of fed action in those two years is another story.
Mr. Market gave me a small gain Tuesday. Fitch erased maybe half of it after hours. Investing on macro is treacherous, but I see headwinds coming from the political theater. How does it manage a 2020 rematch and a 50/50 ideological split among maybe 80% of the voters? When do the chickens come home to roost?
It’s a FOMO party, enjoy it while we can!
Thanks for the clip, upndn, quite appropriate for the last month and a half. Enjoy it, as we never know how long it will last.