Presume the US will default on the debt

Many of the others are not actually guilty just because Trump is.

Evil only exists when good men go silent.

I would have thought the total would have been more than that. Interesting.

billions not millions?

Whoa. Trump takes the trophy for number of lies told. No contest.


Google search says those numbers are right. I dunno; may did into it later.

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Why would there be a movement now in Congress to cut the spending?

Lets be totally honest. It is not the actual debt or the numbers etc…

The reason is totally cynical. If we do not spend money on infrastructure the Democrats will be failures. Yes the entire country will fail.

You would see tax cut. You would see your grandchildren possibly serve as servants to the rich. Bowing and scraping.

Why? Because many in the middle class think their lucky day will come in and they need a tax cut. They do not see their children’s indentured servitude.

Old friend of mine, great guy, is quite honest he needs someone who can NOT read to push the broom. Paying for pushing a broom should cost him next to nothing.

It is an evil dishonest reason to hurt America’s future.

OMG. You never listened to Trump speak as president, did you?



Supply side econ is simplistic stuff. Never worked or did anything worthwhile for the nation. But the flag was waved endlessly.

People do not know that other thoughts are not lies. People do not know that for 40 years they were lied to endlessly about supply side economics.

McConnell’s statement that I responded to was very cynical. He really is a mean human being. There are tens of millions of Americans who need better pay to have families and pay for their own family needs. McConnell never thinks of them as human beings.

Here ya go. This discusses his first year in office.

Biden’s imaginary or embellished stories about his own history were the most memorable falsehoods of his first year in office. They were not, however, the only ones. The President also made multiple false claims about important policy matters, notably including three subjects that occupied much of his time: the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the economy and the Covid-19 pandemic.


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States dependent on massive federal welfare go “insta-bankrupt”.


I should have posted the link to that tidbit, because, now, Google will not pull it up. It seemed too low to me too.

This article from the WaPo, from 2011, puts pay and benefits expense at $200B per year, rather than a couple hundred million. That seems more reasonable, but, still, a 10-20% pay cut for Federal workers would not make a dent in a $1T+ deficit.

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From some left wing rag:


I am back on the other computer now. This is the link for the article claiming Federal payroll is a bit over $22M/month.

There are a lot of states that receive more from the federal government than they pay in. The reasons are varied. Some states have a lot of retirees, that bring Social Security money into the state. Some states have large military bases and/or defense contractors, that bring in a lot of federal money. The federal spending being targeted by the Shiny ones is spending on direct aid to low income people, who they have decided are not in their “base”. You don’t see them rolling back the 2017 tax cuts for “JCs”, or even cutting the incentives for fuel alcohol production, do you?

The larger question, of what should the federal government pay for, is more interesting. I keep hearing the city of Detroit talked about receiving a new federal grant for blight clearance. I hear of city police departments receiving federal grants to pay for more policemen. The federal government provides a lot of funding to local school districts. Why? Not every state is as poor as some. Why are they all receiving Federal money? (the answer is easy: the state (L&Ses) don’t want to tax state residents to pay for everything, while uncle sugar can run deficits to infinity)



So their intent is DOA–Default On America.


No. That link says that the US Government has 22.56 million people working for them. In this context, payrolls = # of employees. Did you see a dollar sign anywhere on that chart? :sunglasses:


OK, that makes more sense. I thought that figure had to be low.


The biggest lie by Biden is a misquote on the newscaster’s part. The 16 million new jobs were not for 2022 or 2023. The packages involved are longer term economic gains. That is the one that matters…and the newscasters did not do their job.

Excuse me but I have been arrested twice and there is no record of my arrests either. Why would that be a lie? Arrest records are commonly destroyed. They are prejudicial if there is no conviction. The reporter does not understand the US Constitution nor the court system. Be nice to have reporters that knew what they are talking about before calling the US President a liar. Am I asking too much?

He never said he went to see Meir during that dialog. The reporter does not know what committees Biden was on as a US Senator at that point because the reporter did not do his homework. A US Senator regardless of age is not a lightweight as the reporter…seems to be…projecting.


Ah, thanks. No, I did not see a dollar sign, but I did not see it say people anywhere either. To me, “payroll” is money, “government employment” is number of people. Your interpretation makes more sense as only $22M/month seemed really cheap.


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There is no doubt that Trump told many a lie, but for you to say you’ve never heard Biden lie is absolutely amazing!

The issue I raised was Biden’s lying and hypocrisy, and in defense against that all I hear is that Trump lied more than Biden…or in your case, he has never lied, despite tons of evidence to the contrary from non-Fox news outlets.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, so the fact that Trump lied does not justify Biden’s lies and hypocrisy.

Frankly, neither man is fit for the office of the President IMHO…and no, I don’t watch Fox news. I pray for two totally different nominees versus the mental/emotional/psychological/moral cripples these men both are.
