So I have a question I had been thinking about for a while and Saturday morning seemed like a good time to ask it. Truthfully, I have been reluctant to ask it because sometimes the intent gets lost behind individual interpretations and I don’t want to offend anyone. Also, I want to be clear that I do not in any way want to somehow cause Saul to post less or tell us all less about his portfolio movements…
So with all that, Saul, my question is do you think your openness and willingness to let us in on your portfolio movements is causing you to change how you manage your portfolio?
There is a lot I could add here about perhaps your results haven’t been as good as you have been historically. I could talk about your recent email about getting out of BOFI where it almost sounded like you were apologizing while explaining your change of thought. There also have been points in the past where people have jumped on you for inconsistency, i.e. Amazon. And there certainly have been others.
Only one other point I’ll make. My reasoning and almost expectation that this is at least In a little part true is that I believe you are very good at this. You are good at it because you use a very logical approach and don’t get too swayed by the market and don’t hesitate to get out when it changes. But you are also good at this because you have a very clear gut feel for when something doesn’t seem right. You try to explain it and it always makes sense, but in the back of my mind I always find myself saying, yes but I can just as easily come up with countering arguments.
This is in no way a slight. I just believe that the decisions you make are a result of looking at the facts, and then going with your gut. This doesn’t concern you because you know that you can change your mind tomorrow, if the facts or your opinion changes.
So after saying all that, is it possible that by sharing your reasons, you are squelching, perhaps just a little bit, that gut instinct because then you would have to explain it, and then you doubt whether it is a good idea? And so, perhaps, you don’t get out as fast as you would “if no one is watching”.
Thoughts? … But remember, this is just a philosophical thought experiment, please don’t go political post on me. Nothing here is meant as a slight on how anyone may or may not run their own portfolio or how they should.
PS: thanks for all you do for this board
Someone who may overthink some of his own moves…