QUIT IT!!! It doesn’t matter who happened to get the last word. No one will remember tomorrow. THIS BOARD IS NOT FOR POLITICS! There are very active politics boards. POLITICAL ARGUMENTS WILL KILL OUR BOARD!!
QUIT IT!!! It doesn’t matter who happened to get the last word. No one will remember tomorrow. THIS BOARD IS NOT FOR POLITICS! There are very active politics boards. POLITICAL ARGUMENTS WILL KILL OUR BOARD!!
“QUIT IT!!! It doesn’t matter who happened to get the last word. No one will remember tomorrow. THIS BOARD IS NOT FOR POLITICS! There are very active politics boards. POLITICAL ARGUMENTS WILL KILL OUR BOARD!!”
My fellow Fools,
We have a very special board with a very uniquely experienced and wise leader in Saul. I’m an old grey beard who has been with MF from the beginning years. Saul’s Investing Discussions is my first investment stop and has been since Saul started this board a few years ago.
Saul’s long term investment record is the best I’ve ever seen. His instincts for stock picking and more importantly when to sell are truly extraordinary. And best of all, HE IS WILLING TO SHARE HIS PORTFOLIO AND HIS BUYS AND SELLS WITH US MONTHLY! Few in his class are willing to do that.
Please don’t destroy this beautiful board, which has attracted some of the brightest investment analysis MF has to offer. Off topic political discussions destroys thoughtful stock analysis.
This board is laser focused on stock analysis. Period.
POLITICAL ANALYSIS has absolutely no place on this board.
We have so much to gain from the stock analysis of one another. Let’s don’t blow it, guys.
A humble plea from a grey beard,
Thank God for the ignore button, especially made for political fools that don’t know when to quit!