
Here is a well-balanced essay that balances realpolitik against idealism.

This is a long, insightful article. I will post only a few snips that impact Macroeconomics but it’s worth reading the whole thing.

Realpolitik requires that nations act in the international arena to further their strategic material interests, not for ideological or nation-building (unless the nation-building furthers U.S. safety and prosperity, as it did in Europe and Japan after World War 2).

What I like best about this article is that the author, a professor of international affairs at Georgetown University and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, suggests fruitful areas of cooperation with our adversaries.…

**Putin’s War in Ukraine Is a Watershed. Time for America to Get Real.**
**By Charles A. Kupchan, The New York Times, April 11, 2022**


**NATO should extend security guarantees to countries that are of intrinsic strategic importance to the United States and its allies, but it should not make countries strategically important by extending them security guarantees. ...Strategic prudence requires distinguishing vital interests from lesser ones and conducting statecraft accordingly....**

**Russia’s relationship with the West is fast heading toward militarized rivalry. In light of the tight strategic partnership that has emerged between Moscow and Beijing — and China’s own geopolitical ambitions — the next Cold War may well pit the West against a Sino-Russian bloc stretching from the Western Pacific to Eastern Europe....**

**Strategic and economic expedience will at times push the United States to partner with repressive regimes; moderating oil prices, for example, may require collaboration with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.... Areas of potential collaboration with Russia include furthering nuclear and conventional arms control, sharing best practices and technologies on alternatives to fossil fuels, and jointly developing rules of the road to govern military and economic activity in the Arctic.... Washington should keep an eye out for opportunities to work with Beijing in areas of common interest — trade, climate change, North Korea, digital governance, public health — to improve relations, tackle global problems and potentially weaken the bond between China and Russia....** [end quote]

Many of these areas have direct Macroeconomic impact.

Worsening relationships between Great Powers in a highly interconnected world economy is already causing the U.S. to talk about pulling back from international supply chains. The world may be entering a prolonged and costly era of deglobalization.

International supply chains, just-in-time shipping and maintaining lean inventories reduces manufacturing costs. Anything that reverses these will increase inflation.

Inflation is already being spiked by increases in energy and food prices that are directly related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

2022 may turn out to be a trend-changing year.



I like George Friedman. These lectures are more wide ranging but still very much to the point.

The Necessity of Nationalism | George Friedman at Brain Bar

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

George Friedman is 11 years younger than I am and we share a lot in common. My mother was Hungarian, Hungarian was my first language which I have since forgotten, and I share his no nonsense realism.

In school we were taught that a nation is first and foremost its people and that being the case nationalism is the will of the people just like democracy.

The Captain

At one point George Friedman brings up the point that Hungarians hate Romanians. By coincidence one of our next door neighbors were Romanians and my mother disliked the woman terribly, I never knew why. Later I found out that the neighbors’ daughter hated Hungarians. I had a friend of Jewish and Romanian ancestry who told me that his tribe, ‘Sekler’ had acted as border guards in Romania which is how they got full citizenship. Similarly in Hungary the king offered full citizenship to Jews if they joined in the national defense, probably against the Turks. Pre Hitler Jews in Germany and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire were well integrated. There are several mixed marriages in my family.


Realpolitik requires that nations act in the international arena to further their strategic material interests, not for ideological or nation-building (unless the nation-building furthers U.S. safety and prosperity, as it did in Europe and Japan after World War 2).


I hate this BS about pseudo strategic interests of the US. This whole article stinks and does not recognize that people all over the world want to live in peace and not be screwed and killed by tyrants like Putin. The war in Europe is of strategic material interests for the NATO. It is not about nation building. Ukraine is a separate independent nation and a member of the United Nations. Russia is the belligerent invading a peaceful country with strong ties to the rest of Europe.

You seem to forget that Ukraine is of vital interest to NATO and US is a member of NATO. You may be safe and ignorant in your Washington state home, but the Europeans are afraid of Russia winning against Ukraine. If that happens with full force of US support, then Putin will know that US is a paper tiger without the guts to defend Ukraine.

People like you did not want the US to join UK to defeat Nazi Germany for the same reasons you expressed. I am glad that wiser people prevailed and squashed Nazi Germany.

Now we need the people of US and NATO to stick together and squash this leach called Putin that is sucking on the blood of Russians and Europeans for his own glory and hatred of the West.



People are being screwed and killed by tyrants like Putin all over the world. Are Afghan women or Yemenis less valuable than Ukrainians? Truly, my heart breaks every time I see a starving baby or beaten woman or tortured man, regardless of nationality or color.

<You seem to forget that Ukraine is of vital interest to NATO and US is a member of NATO. You may be safe and ignorant in your Washington state home, but the Europeans are afraid of Russia winning against Ukraine. If that happens with full force of US support, then Putin will know that US is a paper tiger without the guts to defend Ukraine.>

I certainly have not forgotten that. I watched a TV segment about Polish military preparations yesterday.

My opinion is swinging toward yours, Jaak, because I am beginning to think that Putin will invade Poland and Estonia if Ukraine falls. Ukraine is the keystone of eastern Europe.

Hang on for World War 3. It won’t be pretty.



Realpolitik from Bucha

Harsh and graphic descriptions and photos in this link…

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Yes, even Machiavelli worshippers like me look at what is going on and dismiss many academic “Realist” perecpectives (but I thought the OP was excellent of the genre, provided valuable summaires of both theories and history, not nauseatingly self-righteous, and worth a read) because so much of the “taken for granted” ecology of anarchic international affairs still depends on severely deterring policy decisions such as Putin has made and is worsening.

Defeating and humiliating the existence of Putin and Putinism is now a Reasoned Realist perspective. And that is not only a terrifying prospect, but an all too present current reality.

david fb

My opinion is swinging toward yours, Jaak, because I am beginning to think that Putin will invade Poland and Estonia if Ukraine falls. Ukraine is the keystone of eastern Europe.


Welcome to me perspective on the Russia problem.
