Much smaller battery needed when driving on a road that recharges vehicles as they drive on it.…
Much smaller battery needed when driving on a road that recharges vehicles as they drive on it.
Burying charging infrastructure into the road is one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever heard of. Maintaining roads just with asphalt is apparently hard/expensive enough that there are rough roads and potholes all over the place, now we’re talking about putting charging infrastructure in there? :^? Coocoo, if you ask me.
It might be practical to arrange electromagnetic beside the road emitters that look like emergency phone stands every mile or so.
This does not require burying in the pavement. It is not continuous charging but could be good enough.
Maintaining roads just with asphalt is apparently hard/expensive enough that there are rough roads and potholes all over the place
It is being tried in Detroit, so we will see what happens. The road surface may be less damaged or not as susceptible to potholes as the immediate subsurface is not subject to much damage due to water, etc.
Just what I’m wanting. More EMF exposure. Yea! /sarc/