Residents of Mariupol forced to go to Russia

Mariupol residents forced to go to Russia against their will: Residents of Mariupol are being taken to Russian territory against their will by Russian forces, according to a statement from the Mariupol City Council.

Captured Mariupol residents were taken to camps where Russian forces checked their phones and documents, the city council said. They were then redirected to remote Russian cities.

The besieged city is under almost constant bombardment, according to a major in Ukraine’s army, and residents are rationing food and water as bodies are left in the streets.…

Will some of these residents end up in Gulags?


<Will some of these residents end up in Gulags?>

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn described, in “The Gulag Archipelago,” how Stalin forced many “undesirables” onto one-way trains to Siberia where they were simply dumped. They weren’t put into prison camps, but they had no means of support. They couldn’t get work because anyone who employed them would be against the Soviet authorities, a potentially fatal mistake. They weren’t given food coupons or money. Some dug trenches in the ground as abodes.

The outcomes were grim.

The Ukrainians sent to Russia don’t have to be imprisoned to be destroyed. (Imprisonment would cause international outcry.) They just have to be dumped with no money, no homes and no work.



The Ukrainians sent to Russia don’t have to be imprisoned to be destroyed. (Imprisonment would cause international outcry.) They just have to be dumped with no money, no homes and no work.


Is this what you think will happen?
