SANY Renewable Energy, a wind turbine manufacturer in China, has built the world’s longest onshore wind turbine blade

The SY1310A is 430 feet (131 meters) long and rolled off the assembly line on January 21 at SANY’s zero-carbon, smart industrial park in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia.

That means these giants sport a diameter that stretches over 860 feet (262 meters) – the scale of the length of almost three football fields.

But making something this massive was about more than just scaling up. It’s super strong, smarter, and lighter than others in its league, with a specially designed anti-lightning feature to withstand extreme weather.

SANY used such cutting-edge tech as high-performance design of the airfoil – that’s the cross-sectional shape of the blade – optimized airfoil layout, and manufacturing processes that include robotics for precision fiberglass cutting and a unique technique for creating large composite blades.

The world’s longest onshore wind turbine blade will be attached to the company’s 15-megawatt (MW) wind turbine unit, which debuted at the China Wind Power 2023 exhibition in Beijing and was then the world’s largest wind turbine.

The China Electricity Council said in its latest annual report that wind and solar would make up around 40% of the country’s installed power generation capacity by the end of 2024 – up from 36% in 2023.