Setting Up for Simon Sez 3

This thread is intended only as a primer on how to setup for Simon Sez 3, or as I call it SS3-SC.

This does require $30/mo subscription.
The price labels remain fixed as you change time frames.

EDIT: we have since proven that price labels are removed in cases where the market overtakes them in the short term. (e.g. a stock gets a low-price label at $100, goes to $105 and falls to $95. The label at $100 is removed)

EDIT: 6/28/24 - Quill confirms he uses StockCharts (2-month view) and he does not use Barcharts HA for decisions

Hopefully, it will be a clean couple of posts and left alone for easy future reference.

If we want one for BarCharts, I can do that in a separate thread.


How To Setup For SS3-SC

Use the Advanced Charting Platform (ACP)

Know Your Setup Icons

Clean up the default before you tailor for SS3

Adjust for Simon Sez 3 settings

and more…

Add Indicators, like Exponential Moving Average (Quill uses 20dema, Pete likes 21dema. (This is not a direct indicator of buy sells in the system)

Save your template settings…

Now you are ready to use your templates. There is a brief overview in the next message of this thread.


StockCharts is fairly straight forward once your template is setup.

Start with a stock to view and apply template…

Create A New List.

Use A List

Annotate Your Chart

Save Your Changes

Have fun.