Short question re the new boards system

The messaging in the last long thread is somewhat contradictory.

So, a short specific question:

After the switch to the new boards system, will the currently active public boards still retain access to ALL old messages permanently/indefinitely?
e.g., Berkshire Hathaway, Mechanical Investing, etc.

Or is some/all of the older history going to be wiped after a short while?



After the switch to the new boards system, will the currently active public boards still retain access to ALL old messages permanently/indefinitely?
e.g., Berkshire Hathaway, Mechanical Investing, etc.

Or is some/all of the older history going to be wiped after a short while?

Here is my understanding as of now.

The currently active public boards will be migrated the same as the other boards that have been migrated. I have been playing with the boards that were migrated last Friday/Saturday. On the one board I tested closely the oldest message was the Greetings! message, the first one when the board was created, which was many years ago.

So my expectation, based on that, is that all the old messages in the active public boards will be available in the new system. With a search feature. Though I admit my testing of that has not been extensive it worked.

my expectation, based on that, is that all the old messages in the active public boards will be available in the new system.

Yes, that’s rather my expectation, too.
But it would be nice to have a specific answer from someone who knows for sure.



After the switch to the new boards system, will the currently active public boards still retain access to ALL old messages permanently/indefinitely?

Anyone TMF there to answer this?



Bueller is here - just really busy with the migration.

Ok, so, the currently active boards will have posts from this year migrated to the new platform (which is not public yet and not at despite what seems to have been floated around this past weekend).

The current platform will be up until at least the end of October so folks can grab anything they want to keep - I’m trying to get more time, maybe through November and I asked for the end of the Year (it’s a negotiation). They are also looking at creating a read-only archive of all history that anyone can access at any time…and will also deal with any broken links to old posts that would arise if the site was completely shut down.



the currently active boards will have posts from this year migrated to the new platform …
The current platform will be up until at least the end of October so folks can grab anything they want to keep…
They are also looking at creating a read-only archive of all history…

Thanks for the answer.

Given that the phrasing “looking at” is so very far from “yes”, it’s clear we should assume the old content is disappearing.
So, end of an era.

There are some boards where the value is in the ongoing and timely discussion.
But there are other boards where the value is the history.

(of those boards, they are valuable mainly due to the wonderful volunteer effort of creating a search engine at which has allowed )



There are some boards where the value is in the ongoing and timely discussion.
But there are other boards where the value is the history.

Then there are others (i.e.: Apple IOS Help and Mastering Quicken) that were just plain old helpful when one ran into problems with their iPhone or Quicken but Noooooo!!!


They are also looking at creating a read-only archive of all history that anyone can access at any time…and will also deal with any broken links to old posts that would arise if the site was completely shut down.

I would encourage this option. There are posts written 2 decades ago that are as relevant today as they were at the time of writing.

Losing all of that history would be a terrible loss indeed.



the currently active boards will have posts from this year migrated to the new platform

Just so we understand, all posts from 2021 and before won’t be migrated, and could be deleted by the end of the year?


They are also looking at creating a read-only archive of all history that anyone can access at any time…and will also deal with any broken links to old posts that would arise if the site was completely shut down.
I would encourage this option. There are posts written 2 decades ago that are as relevant today as they were at the time of writing.
Losing all of that history would be a terrible loss indeed.


An overused, but still good quote:
"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness.
When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set
for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages,
infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

The Fool’s mission is to educate, amuse, and enrich.
The history does all three.
