Small business confidence

It was the second straight month that the index pushed past the 51-year average of 98. The survey’s Uncertainty Index dropped 12 points to 86…

The share of small business owners expecting the economy to improve increased 16 points to 52% in December, the highest level since the fourth quarter of 1983. The proportion saying now is a good time to expand their business was the highest since February 2020.


This survey of CEO confidence bottomed in October.

After an 8 percent climb in December, the 176 CEOs polled January 9-11 as part of our monthly reading of CEO confidence in the economy boosted their outlook for 12 months from now another 2 percent. At 6.5 out of 10, where 10 is Excellent and 1 is Poor, the January 2024 reading is the sunniest outlook CEOs have had since March of 2022—right around when Russia invaded Ukraine.