SoFi Interview and ER

If you have any interest in SoFi this was a great interview with the CEO. Part of it was pretty granular on what their advantages are vs. traditional banks and vs. other Fintechs.

I will also link to the most recent ER summary by Brad Freeman. It was solid. They continue to execute. This is a very well managed company IMO.

I personally would not invest in any others banks. I think they are all being disrupted by the asset class that shall not be named. But I have made SoFi the lone exception to that rule. Noto is one of the top CEOs of companies I follow. Not very high energy, but I think you want serious and stable in a CEO of a financial institution.


This was a very helpful explanation of what happened last week with the convertible notes and the impact on SoFi’s financials going forward. This is the first video I have watched from this guy, so I can not speak for his reliability, but his explanation makes sense and he seems to know what he’s talking about.

Some people have been complaining about stocks being overpriced - well here is a possibility to consider that seems reasonably priced (IMHO).