Obviously this stock has some major support and I respect that. But I have to say, again, how much I distrust this company. The following paragraph from their site is the most horse****-sounding one I have ever read from such a large, widely admired company…
Teladoc Health empowers all people everywhere to live their healthiest lives by transforming the healthcare experience. Recognized as the world leader in whole person virtual care, Teladoc Health uses proprietary health signals and personalized interactions to drive better health outcomes across the full continuum of care, at every stage in a person’s health journey.
“All people everywhere” - According to this site linked below 41% of human beings do not have the Internet.
That claim is objectively false despite their work with initiatives in less developed nations.
“… live their healthiest lives” - idea that they will meaningfully impact diet, exercise, sleep, breathing, career, relationships, sexuality, questionable at best, therefore the claim is grossly exaggerated as all these things impact health.
“Transforming the healthcare experience” - going to the doctor and being seen, touched, talked to in reality, in person, will always be the best option.
“Whole person virtual care” - New age, BS-speak so bad it could replace finger-in-mouth to induce upchucking.
“Proprietary health signals” - I’m sure there’s some truth here, but unproven, which is why Livongo had to create their own fake research paper…
Are Livongo’s Outcomes Real?
“drive better health outcomes across the full continuum of care, at every stage in a person’s health journey”
This is all the language of hucksters - “Full continuum” “Every stage” and my favorite “health journey.” They all but offer a free stay in a time share.
Again, lots of excellent investors love this company. I get it. But TDOC marketing triggers my BS meter so hard it just exploded. For me, when I hear this much hyperbole and unprovable claims, I can only see this story ending in disaster. In fact, I predict investors in TDOC will experience the full spectrum of negative emotions - guilt, shame, pain, regret - as they calculate the losses incurred during this stage of their wealth journey.
Never fun to call other people’s babies ugly but we all owe each other our unfiltered honesty. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it’s rarely a golden goose.