Looking at the situation in Kherson Oblast, I find that there are essentially 3 bridges over the Dniepr which serve to supply the Russian occupying force.
The first one is the Antonivka Road Bridge, which has been targeted by Ukraine and is now apparently closed due to having received severe damage. It seems to be in artillery range of the front.
The second one is the Antonivs’kyy bridge. It’s a rail bridge close to the Antonivka bridge. Reportedly, it hasn’t been used in the last few months.
The third bridge is the Nova Kakhovka bridge. It has two lanes. It doesn’t offer a direct route to Kherson; to reach Kherson, you have to cross the Darivka Bridge across the Ingulets River. The Nova Kakhova bridge has been reported to have been attacked. The Darivka Bridge has also been attacked today and sports several holes. It appears to be in artillery range.
This is the situation in Kherson Oblast. Russia has between 10000 and 15000 soldiers in the Oblast which depend on 3 (4) bridges, all of which are under attack.
The Dniepr is generally 500+ meters wide, making crossing it with pontoon bridges difficult.