On 11/23/2021 I posted how to manage risk in the Saul Picks here: https://discussion.fool.com/managing-risk-in-volatile-picks-3498…
Holding seven of the Saul Picks resulted in a bull market peak a few days later, and has dropped over seventy percent since then. In that thread I discussed using overbought / oversold indicators to identify points of transition. I mention that now regarding BRK-B because you can do the very same thing with these holdings. I simply obtain the stocks Berkshire holds regularly and use that basket of stocks to determine a composite of when they are overbought or oversold. When they are overbought it produces a sell signal, and when they are oversold it produces a buy signal.
Here are the values for 2022 - Caution is the overbought consensus of the holdings, and the Sum column combines the Buy and Strong Buy values - oversold consensus of the holdings. The signals are based on an overbought reading of 13% or greater, while the oversold sum hits 60% or higher. I tweak these signals slightly with another indicator I use, but basically, these are the final signals.
**Date Caution Buy Strong Buy Buy Sum Signal**
1/3/2022 2.22% 0.00%
1/4/2022 26.67% 2.22% 2.22% 4.44% BEAR
1/5/2022 13.33% 2.22% 4.44% 6.66% BEAR
1/6/2022 6.67% 4.44% 6.67% 11.11%
1/7/2022 15.56% 8.89% 4.44% 13.33% BEAR
1/10/2022 22.22% 6.67% 17.78% 24.45% BEAR
1/11/2022 6.67% 2.22% 6.67% 8.89%
1/12/2022 8.89% 4.44% 4.44%
1/13/2022 4.44% 2.22% 6.67% 8.89%
1/14/2022 4.44% 4.44% 15.56% 20.00%
1/18/2022 6.67% 6.67% 26.67% 33.34%
1/19/2022 8.89% 28.89% 37.78%
1/20/2022 11.11% 28.89% 40.00%
1/21/2022 2.22% 15.56% 44.44% 60.00%
1/24/2022 11.11% 60.00% 71.11% EXT_BULL
1/25/2022 6.67% 42.22% 48.89%
1/26/2022 2.22% 8.89% 28.89% 37.78%
1/27/2022 2.22% 4.44% 37.78% 42.22%
1/28/2022 4.44% 31.11% 35.55%
1/31/2022 2.22% 4.44% 4.44% 8.88%
2/1/2022 11.11% 2.22% 2.22%
2/2/2022 6.67% 0.00%
2/3/2022 4.44% 6.67% 6.67%
2/4/2022 2.22% 2.22% 2.22% 4.44%
2/7/2022 13.33% 4.44% 4.44% BEAR
2/8/2022 15.56% 6.67% 6.67% BEAR
2/9/2022 13.33% 0.00% BEAR
2/10/2022 4.44% 4.44%
2/11/2022 6.67% 6.67%
2/14/2022 2.22% 11.11% 13.33%
2/15/2022 2.17% 2.17% 2.17% 4.34%
2/16/2022 13.04% 2.17% 2.17% BEAR
2/17/2022 4.35% 2.17% 6.52%
2/18/2022 2.17% 8.70% 8.70%
2/22/2022 2.17% 4.35% 13.04% 17.39%
2/23/2022 2.17% 10.87% 17.39% 28.26%
2/24/2022 21.74% 30.43% 52.17%
2/25/2022 2.17% 2.17%
2/28/2022 2.17% 6.52% 6.52%
3/1/2022 4.35% 4.35% 21.74% 26.09%
3/2/2022 4.35% 10.87% 17.39% 28.26%
3/3/2022 10.87% 15.22% 15.22%
3/4/2022 6.52% 4.35% 39.13% 43.48%
3/7/2022 2.17% 13.04% 50.00% 63.04% EXT_BULL
3/8/2022 2.17% 8.70% 50.00% 58.70%
3/9/2022 4.35% 4.35% 8.70%
3/10/2022 2.17% 8.70% 23.91% 32.61%
3/11/2022 2.17% 21.74% 23.91%
3/14/2022 4.35% 6.52% 21.74% 28.26%
3/15/2022 8.70% 6.52% 15.22% 21.74%
3/16/2022 4.35% 2.17% 2.17%
3/17/2022 10.87% 4.35% 4.35%
3/18/2022 10.87% 2.17% 2.17%
3/21/2022 8.70% 2.17% 2.17%
3/22/2022 6.52% 2.17% 2.17%
3/23/2022 2.17% 2.17% 2.17%
3/24/2022 6.52% 2.17% 2.17%
3/25/2022 17.39% 0.00% BEAR
3/28/2022 17.39% 0.00% BEAR
3/29/2022 32.61% 0.00% BEAR
3/30/2022 8.70% 0.00%
3/31/2022 6.52% 4.35% 4.35%
4/1/2022 2.17% 4.35% 4.35% 8.70%
4/4/2022 6.52% 4.35% 6.52% 10.87%
4/5/2022 4.35% 4.35% 2.17% 6.52%
4/6/2022 6.52% 10.87% 10.87%
4/7/2022 15.22% 13.04% 13.04% BEAR
4/8/2022 19.57% 10.87% 10.87% BEAR
4/11/2022 2.17% 6.52% 6.52%
4/12/2022 4.35% 8.70% 8.70%
4/13/2022 4.35% 2.17% 10.87% 13.04%
4/14/2022 6.52% 10.87% 10.87%
4/18/2022 2.17% 4.35% 19.57% 23.92%
4/19/2022 6.52% 6.52%
4/20/2022 13.04% 6.52% 6.52% BEAR
4/21/2022 13.04% 10.87% 10.87% BEAR
4/22/2022 17.39% 26.09% 43.48%
4/25/2022 19.57% 39.13% 58.70%
4/26/2022 15.22% 47.83% 63.05% EXT_BULL
4/27/2022 4.35% 52.17% 56.52%
4/28/2022 8.70% 23.91% 32.61%
4/29/2022 13.04% 45.65% 58.69%
5/2/2022 8.70% 63.04% 71.74% EXT_BULL
5/3/2022 2.17% 36.96% 39.13%
5/4/2022 4.35% 19.57% 23.92%
5/5/2022 23.91% 23.91%
5/6/2022 4.35% 50.00% 54.35%
5/9/2022 8.70% 54.35% 63.05% EXT_BULL
5/10/2022 2.17% 54.35% 56.52%
5/11/2022 10.87% 54.35% 65.22% EXT_BULL
5/12/2022 6.52% 60.87% 67.39% EXT_BULL
5/13/2022 6.52% 4.35% 10.87%
5/16/2022 17.39% 17.39%
5/17/2022 2.17% 4.35% 4.35%
5/18/2022 4.35% 28.26% 32.61%
5/19/2022 2.17% 50.00% 52.17%
5/20/2022 43.48% 43.48%
5/23/2022 17.39% 17.39%
5/24/2022 17.39% 17.39%
5/25/2022 4.35% 2.17% 13.04% 15.21%
5/26/2022 8.70% 6.52% 6.52%
5/27/2022 13.04% 2.17% 2.17% BEAR
5/31/2022 2.17% 2.17%
6/1/2022 2.17% 4.35% 2.17% 6.52%
6/2/2022 4.35% 2.17% 2.17% 4.34%
6/3/2022 4.35% 2.17% 2.17%
6/6/2022 8.70% 2.17% 2.17%
6/7/2022 0.00%
6/8/2022 4.35% 2.17% 2.17%
6/9/2022 4.35% 2.17% 6.52%
6/10/2022 10.87% 23.91% 34.78%
6/13/2022 15.22% 63.04% 78.26% EXT_BULL
6/14/2022 8.70% 78.26% 86.96% EXT_BULL
6/15/2022 6.52% 34.78% 41.30%
6/16/2022 8.70% 76.09% 84.79% EXT_BULL
6/17/2022 2.17% 58.70% 60.87% EXT_BULL
6/21/2022 2.17% 4.35% 6.52%
6/22/2022 13.04% 13.04%
6/23/2022 13.04% 13.04%
6/24/2022 4.35% 6.52% 6.52%
Here are the trade results using this approach from 2018 to present. I’m comparing trading BRK-B and SPY following the signals. As you can see, they are nearly the same. The top three go short during sell signals, while the bottom three move to cash when the signal is sell.
Results ROI CAGR GSD Sharpe DDD3 BBW Signal % of Time Drawdown Index CAGR Positions
Combined Results 2302.28% 103.52% 20.62 3.78 0.04% 1,233.34 98% 100.00% -8.58% 5.48% Both
BRK 2403.96% 105.42% 23.28 3.49 0.20% 390.29 95% 100.00% -10.03% 5.48% Both
SPY 2163.71% 100.84% 20.76 3.64 0.05% 568.63 95% 100.00% -9.23% 5.48% Both
Combined Results 569.35% 52.95% 14.66 2.92 0.06% 268.51 95% 63.14% -8.58% 5.48% Longs
BRK 564.22% 52.69% 16.71 2.63 0.24% 137.31 95% 63.14% -8.75% 5.48% Longs
SPY 567.61% 52.86% 14.96 2.82 0.01% 398.76 95% 63.14% -9.23% 5.48% Longs
The last two years have seen a return exceeding 50% using this approach - long and short. The other option is to trade SH for the sell signals.