I mentioned already that I sold my small position in NEWR this morning. I decided to put that money in TWLO doubling my 1% position to 2%. Why TWLO?

The have demonstrated scalability. Below is their Customer Count for the past couple of years:

        Customers  Cust Gwth (q/q)  Cust Gwth (seq)   Net Dollar-based Expansion
Q1'15	19340			                      145%
Q2'15	21226		             9.8%	      149%
Q3'15	23822		            12.2%	      156%
Q4'15	25347		             6.4%	      172%
Q1'16	28648	   48%	            13.0%	      170%
Q2'16	30780	   45%	             7.4%	      164%
Q3'16	34457	   45%	            11.9%	      155%
Q4'16	36606	   44%	             6.2%	      155%
Q1'17	40696	   42%	            11.2%	      141%

These numbers look incredible and demonstrate scalability is working. Customers are spending more and staying with TWLO.

Yes, Uber decided to move some of their business away, but I see this as a special case. As long as I see the customer growth this high and the customer spending on TWLO increasing, I will like it.

Here’s the recurring revenue growth:

        Rev     Rec Rev   Rec Rev Gwth (y/y)  Rec Rev Gwth (full year)
Q1'15		25.9			
Q2'15	37.954	30.7			
Q3'15	44.262	36.7			
Q4'15	51.3	43.5			
Q1'16	59.34	49.8			
Q2'16	64.51	56.4      70.0%	
Q3'16	71.533	64.1	  61.6%	
Q4'16	82	75.2	  59.8%	
Q1'17	87.4	80.6	  47.3%	              71.9%
Q2'17	86.5	78        34.1%	              59.8%

Pretty amazing growth especially considering that I’m sure the Q2 2017 number is account for the loss of some recurring revenue due to Uber’s decision.

The next earnings report is next due out on Monday so we will get an update on how they did in Q2 2017.



Thanks for update and sharing Chris.
Has Uber related decline already accounted for last quarter or we will see if this quarter?