The UK’s Next Leader Might Be Knee-Deep in a Recession
The Bank of England startled analysts last week — not so much with its half-point increase in the policy interest rate to 1.75% as with its unexpectedly bleak assessment of Britain’s medium-term prospects. Its main projection shows a shallow but protracted recession, with roughly no growth in output over the next three years and inflation peaking at more than 13% before the end of 2022. Unemployment is expected to rise from a little under 4% of the labor force to more than 6% by 2025.
Will people want to kick out the Tories and the Brexit fiasco that has caused all this economic pain on the voters? Do these voters worry about their pocket books and inflation as much as voters in USA?
Yes! But – just because you wanna kick that bunch of damn aristocratic fools who love gettng drunk and wanking together, OUT – does not mean you want to stick that bunch of blithering pedant idiots too busy arguing with themselves to notice Opportunity Breaking Down the Door and begging for a hearing, IN…? Be a good chap and pour me a little glass of Porto would you?
and the Brexit fiasco that has caused all this economic pain on the voters?
Now now, there there, calm down. Stiff upper lip, a little horseradish with ginger sponge up the nostrils masks the stench of that three and a half year old corpse, inconvenient and distatsteful as it is. Miss Havisham will soon be down from powdering her nose to offer you some cake. Don’t take it.
Do these voters worry about their pocket books and inflation as much as voters in USA?
But of course! But if worrying accomplishes anything in either place it will be an accident. Now thinking…yes, yes, thinking… Where Did I Mislay my brains…no, never mind that…oh bother…what was I going on about?..Oh yes, back to social media and wholesome griping and worrying.