I’m a first time poster and wanted to give some food for thought regarding another angle to look at Upstart’s potential areas for continued growth. If you are like me when you hear an announcement that another bank partnered with Upstart you figure all branches of that particular bank are currently using Upstart. Yesterday I stopped into my local Associated Bank, an Upstart partner announced in July of 2021. I was there to wire money to a brokerage account and sat down with a banker. I was ultimately trying to get money into a coverdell account to buy shares of Upstart for my 2 month old daughter. I asked the banker if she ever heard of Upstart. “Oh yes. We are receiving training on Upstart next week and will begin using it after the training.” As I walked out I realized there may be a lot of continued growth from already announced bank partners ramping up all branches. My mindset up until that conversation was all about who will Upstart partner with next. Significant growth may still be coming from previously announced banks.