upstart price changes

While many of us hate unsolicited telephone calls, those that need to buy something like getting telephone calls from people that have the goods, or service that can satisfy our needs. Good sales people don’t waste people’s time, and often bring the right solution. Knowing who to call I would think would cut down on unwanted intrusions. I for one will buy stock in a company that helps get sellers and buyers together. It is a valuable service. As a retired salesperson (accounting software) I found it essential to find the right person in the organization to make the decision. Anything that cuts to the chase helps both those selling, and those that need to buy.


Growth Convert,

Where do you get off posting something that you acknowledge you know is not for our board?

Your post will be deleted, and if you persist in defying the Rules you will be barred from the board. It has happened before to others.



Saul and Board Admins

It was not my intent to be disrespectful of the board and its rules. I debated prior to posting, I have lost significant gains this year due to not thinking about the negative possibilities and was trying to be helpful. Doing so I do recognize has caused frustration to the group and my apologies for causing the folks to be upset. It was not my intention at any time to upset anyone.

Growth convert


It was not my intent to be disrespectful of the board and its rules. I debated prior to posting, I have lost significant gains this year due to not thinking about the negative possibilities and was trying to be helpful. Doing so I do recognize has caused frustration to the group and my apologies for causing the folks to be upset. It was not my intention at any time to upset anyone. – GrowthC

I’m not Saul or an admin, but…

One of the things I find disturbing in today’s society is what I’ll call the “fake apology”.

Yours is NOT QUITE one, but it might as well be.

Essentially, you’re saying:

“I knowingly violated the rules of the board but I didn’t mean to upset anyone.”

Think about that…

Rule Breaker Home Fool & STMP/MTH Maintenance Coverage Fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.


I shall be careful in the future not to post any option related items on the board. Anyone who wants to respond please respond to me in person and happy to continue a discussion. If there are other actions that folks would want to discuss please reply to me personally so we can take it offline

Growth C


That’s $14.3B market cap at $150 per share. If you are looking at Yahoo, the share count is wrong.

I’m not looking at Yahoo, I’m looking at Bloomberg which is the de facto standard of measuring these things.

At $134 it’s $10.3bn. So your diluted share count & market cap is wrong even at $150, according to the Wall St standard.

So, $20bn would be $265. Far from ‘easy’ to get there in the near-term.

Hope this helps,



You said: “I’m looking at Bloomberg which is the de facto standard of measuring these things…”

I had the share count wrong also until Bert straightened me out on the fully diluted thing in the SEC filing. The SEC docs are the superior source. Fully diluted is 91-95 million shares and that will likely be higher for the full year. I had thought it was est 75 million.

Regardless, you have misrepresented my post. What i projected was revenue for 2021 and 2022 of $750 and $1.1B and asserted that as conservative. I said the stock was easily worth $20 billion on that basis, IMO. Didn’t predict when or if it would get there.

You said: “So, $20bn would be $265. Far from ‘easy’ to get there in the near-term”

This is pure straw man stuff.

I didn’t say that. You made that up. I said i thought the company was worth $20B, assuming revenue projection of $1.1B or higher for 2022, and made no suggestion of when that might be achieved.

My bet is UPST will reach $20 Billion in market cap and that it will get there, if it ever does, long before the stock reaches $265 because it will soon become generally known that the share count is a lot higher than some think it is. $200-$210 will get UPST to $20B.

I simply expressed a view that i hoped would contribute to the UPST discussion. I can see it didn’t resonate with. Peace.

The poisoned pawn variation doesn’t work in this case. But good luck.


addedupon, you are turning your discussion into a personal argument, which we don’t do on this board. If you continue it your posts will be deleted.